Walking a Path of Self Mastery.PMG is a group of mostly young adults supporting each other through the study of self-mastery, media, politics, spirituality, history, psychology and positive thinking.We meet every Wednesday 5:30 to 7:30pm in the town that birthed the Black Panther Party: OAKLAND, CA.We acknowledge, study & integrate our history and culture, but more than anything else we focus on mastering our emotions and strengthening our will.The coordinators of the Positive Minds Group have decided it was time to create this myspace page to stay connected with each other throughout the week and to remind ourselves daily of what we are collectively: Young people dedicating themselves to the study of self mastery!To the PMG group:
Remember-- We are building a brain trust that is so powerful, that by the time we hit the streets we will be internally ready to shoulder the responsibility of healing our community.Your Brother in Self-Mastery
Baayan Bakari
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