Over the past decade, Checkered Past Records has fostered a community for those artists willing to fearlessly explore the darker regions of life. From its humble beginnings as an upstart Chicago label to a venerable indie standard-bearer, Checkered Past has released records from some of the most vital artists of the past decade, including 16 Horsepower, the Silos, Ass Ponys, Souled American, Paul Burch, Spanic Boys, and Red Star Belgrade.
2007 finds Checkered Past returning from a hiatus, regrouped and re-energized. With a wider scope and a drive to keep fighting the good fight, Checkered Past reestablishes its vow to nurture and release those artists who dwell in despair, all while placing a premium on unique, high-production quality packaging. It’s a new era for Checkered Past Records, with the same commitment to unearthing the finest independent artists. We welcome you to join us.