Steve! profile picture


Diagnosis-Chronic Shredding Syndrome

About Me

I'm Steve. I'm Schlinkest of the Schlinkerts. Yeah... I said it. Say hey

My Interests

Bass, Guitar, blowing things up, watching other people blow things up, just having a good ol time

I'd like to meet:

Jason Becker, as he's inspired me to no end, musically and non-musically.


Anything that's good. my favorite bands are racer x, cacophony, journey, queen, and queensryche. I like alot of classical music, too. I'm a huge fan of 80's neoclassical shred and 80s rock in general. Anything with Paul Gilbert in it automatically qualifies as awesome. And no one wrote better lyrics than Tupac.
Shawn Lane(RIP) - Gray Pianos Flying

Mozart - Jupiter Symphony - Molto Allegro

Queensryche - Jet City Woman


Rambo, Ace Ventura are great




There's only meaningful thing I took from a recreational book: Everyone wants peace and unity, but no one can agree who's to be in charge of it all.


Jason Becker, Paul Gilbert, Troy Tipton, Billy Sheehan, Paul McCartney, and Chuck Norris

My Blog

My take on the Shark’s offseason moves

Tired of hearing nothing but critisism because they didn't get Hossa/Redden/Streit etc.... They were an immensly talented team last year that finished with the second most points in the entire NHL...a...
Posted by Steve! on Fri, 04 Jul 2008 10:50:00 PST

2 years ago

Where were you two years ago? What were you expecting you'd be right now? Would you be proud of what you've turned out to be?I'm kinda mixed on my own answers. I'm both happy and not happy. 2 years ag...
Posted by Steve! on Fri, 30 May 2008 10:21:00 PST

My firm opinions

I firmly believe, until proven wrong, that all the following is true: -Having people waste your time is truely the most aggrivating thing to someone who doesn't have alot of time to spare -Killio...
Posted by Steve! on Tue, 15 Apr 2008 10:17:00 PST