hi my name is darrell (geno) badie, and i love chicks wit alot of tattoos... i also rap, rock, and i'm a painter...i dont think i'm like most black guys my age, for one i really dont like big ass tee shirts and baggy jeans seems pretty stupid to me... i hate ppl that dont wake up untill 12 in the afternoon or later, i like family guy, halo tournaments, and science... i like sex but i really think that its over rated to be honest... y do i have to do all the work... sex is a hell of a work-out, i like for the chik that im bangin to bite, scratch, punch me while were sexin, its weird but it turns me on... but im not into dominatrix's...i also think ppl are a plague unleashed on the earth...im not human im a zombie. me and my homies r starting a band called theme parks and grave yards plus i'm trying to get into being a tattoo artist, thats a little about me...tell me somethin about u! STOP stop value="http://lads.myspace.com/videos/vplayer.swf" />
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a ga representa to the fullest!!!!!!!!!