My name is Tara, but I like to be called Tara Dactyl. Why? Because it's cool. Orange rocks, but oranges suck. They're evil!! (eye twitch) Speaking of twitching eyes- I have the ability to twitch my eye whenever I'm struck with an urge to twitch my eye. I can also do a killer impression of the new and unimproved version of Michael Jackson. I just suck in my nostrils and my nose looks just like his. It's like they were twins seperated at birth. It's pretty amazing. Hmm... what else? I'm obsessed with bowling. I'm going to have to go to bowling rehab if my addiction becomes any worse. One may believe that I would be an excellent bowler due to the excessiveness of this particular activity in which I partake, but contrary to one's initial impression, I pretty much stink at it. Other random facts regarding myself: I am of the female gender, I have ten toes, I like food (almost as much as I like bowling), and I have the two raddest pooches in the world...
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Two Hundred Random Questions Survey
1. Do you believe in magic? That's a good song
2. What is one bet you've won? I always lose my bets
3. Do you have a bad life? not at all
4. Cars or planes? planes
5. Hamburgers or cheeseburgers? cheesy burgers
6. Mints or chewing gum? gum
7. Have you ever prank called someone? only all the time
8. Have you ever beat someone up? me and my oversized muscles have
9. Do you drink enough water? I think so
10. Would you date someone younger than you? sure
11. What is your biggest fear? being alone and caterpillars
12. Do you brush and floss? just brush
13. Day or night? night because I wear my sunglasses at night
14. Do you like dogs? no... I love them
15. Do you wear perfume? nope
16. Have you ever gone a week without showering? no, that would stink
17. What's your favorite band? Foreigner
18. Who have you met online? nobody
19. What's the most common name you know? Amanda
20. What is your best physical feature? I guess my ocular spheres
21. Do you get annoyed easily? absolutely not
22. Boxers or briefs? doesn't matter
23. Name one person you love, and why: my mom because she's awesome
24. Do you like the taste of blood? oh yes, very much
25. French or Italian? Italian
26. Are you rude? no, you stupid jerkface
27. Do you have a cell phone? as a matter of fact I do
28. Do you wear makeup? I must admit I don't
29. Who do you have a crush on now? I crush nasty bugs when they're bugging me
30. Do you believe in the external world? of course
31. Your best friend: all my homies are the best
32. Would you date someone you met online? probably not
33. Would you pretend to be someone's bf/gf? for the right amount of cash... just kidding
34. Skinny dipping or chunky dunking? chunky dunking seems gooder
35. Would you have sex before marriage? Why or why not? no for obvious reasons
36. Is it Pet's Mart or Pet Smart? Pet Smart.... duh
37. What's the longest car ride/road trip you've been on? like 3.5 hours
38. Do you believe in miracles? kinda
39. Who do you want to meet? Donkey from Shrek
40. Have you ever asked someone out? nope
41. Ocean or pool? pool
42. If you could change one thing about yourself, it would be: my clothes
43. Do you have a boyfriend? fortunately not
44. Would you do drugs? not in a million years
45. Have you ever been toilet papering? Why? yes because it was fun
46. Have you ever cut off a limb? yep... a tree limb
47. Do you like the band Radiohead? who?
48. Abercrombie or Hollister? both are sucky
49. Who do you talk to most on IM? my bro
50. Have you ever been to a concert? yep, CCR
51. Have you ever written a song? no claim to fame on that
52. Favorite celebrity? Jim Carrey
53. When you looked at yourself in the mirror today, what was the first thing you thought? eww
54. Have you ever been on TV? never had the pleasure
55. Would you flip off the president? heck yes
56. Apple or Microsoft? Microsoft
57. What do you do most when you're bored? eat
58. Have you ever bought a car? no, only a truck
59. What is your lucky number? any number -87 through 532.6, excluding 26
60. Would you set yourself on fire? why not?
61. Have you ever gotten your tongue frozen to something? not that I recall
62. What name brand do you wear the most? Hanes
63. Favorite website?
64. Would you be my friend? of course
65. Where did you go to school? me never got myself no schoolin'
66. What is the longest you have gone without sleeping? like 36 hours
67. Who is your oldest friend? How long have you known them? hmm... I'd say Sharon and I've known her for about 10 years
68. Do you like your neighbors? Why or why not? sometimes
69. Have you ever been on a road trip? not really
70. Do you smile a lot? only all the time
71. Do you like tongue twisters? yeah, I'm the master at them
72. What is your favorite male name? Logan
73. What was your New Year's resolution? I didn't have one
74. Are you a vegetarian? yeah right
75. Last time you spent $100, and what for? exactly $100? I don't think I've ever spent exactly $100
76. Last text? yesterday
77. Good or evil? good
78. Last kiss? it was a Hershey's
79. Do you believe in love at first sight? not at all
80. Have you ever been late to work because of myspace? I'm not that lame
81. Have you ever had a crush on more than one person at the same time? no, Bob
82. Is there happiness in slavery? yes for the slavee
83. Have you ever pulled an all-nighter? sure have
84. Watching or playing sports? playing
85. Do you have any collections? bouncy balls
86. Have you ever been on a boat? sure have
87. Have you ever been asked for an autograph? you caught me
88. Would you eat sushi? never
89. What is your favorite sport? bowling!!!
90. Have you ever met a celebrity? Elvis came into McDonald's once
91. Have you ever been in a movie? not a big-screen movie
92. Who is the most unique person you know, and why? Jenae.. because she's unique
93. Last time you were really really mad? oh geez, a few months ago
94. What does the world need less of? pollution
95. Do you drink alcohol? not a drop
96. Would you be president if you could? nah
97. Group or single dates? single
98. Do you want to have kids? yes I do
99. Have you ever gone to a private school? unfortunately... not for much longer, though
100. Have you ever told someone that you loved them? just family members
101. Do you consider yourself religious? not at all
102. Do you like sports? sure
103. Sneakers or flip-flops? sneakers
104. Do you like yourself? I'm a pretty nice person
105. What is something you wish you were better at? cooking Rice a Roni
106. Have you ever read an article about defeating MySpace addiction? negative
107. Are you a neat freak? I've been told that I am
108. What's your favorite car? 1999 Mustang *drool*
109. Do you believe in soul mates? sorta
110. One goal you'd like to achieve this year: becoming president
111. McDonalds or Burger King? BK... Mickey D's is evil
112. Fridays or Ruby Tuesdays? Ruby Tuesday's is yucky
113. Do you know how to drive stick? I wish
114. Do you get along with your parents? of course
115. What's your favorite drink? squishies!!
116. Explain what you think about dating. I don't think.
117. Have you ever fallen in love with a best friend? no sir
118. What was the last compliment you GAVE? I told my dog that he was cute
119. Do you like photography? sure
120. Have you ever made a promise you'd die to keep? I'd die to keep any of my promises
121. Yoga or pilates? come again
122. Math or science? math, although I'm better at science
123. Do you like cats? they're cute
124. Do you pray? not a lot
125. Do you like to learn? depends on the subject
126. Have you ever prayed to Bhudda? nopers
127. Have you ever been arrested? Why? no because I've never broken the law
128. Do you get enough exercise? not really
129. Lace or satin? satin
130. When is your birthday? the 21st day of the 6th month
131. Have you ever driven a Ferrari? I own a Ferrari
132. Would you have plastic surgery? only to get a plastic hip
133. Do you think Snoop Dogg sucks? pretty much
134. Have you ever been on a motorcycle? actually, yes
135. What's your favorite store? Best Buy
136. What do you call those little plastic things on the ends of shoelaces? those little plastic things at the end of shoelaces
137. Would you go to college if you had a chance? presently attending
138. Would you eat human flesh for money? I'd eat it for free
139. Do you like cows? absolutely
140. Do you want a boyfriend or girlfriend? boyfriend
141. Sprite or 7Up? Sprite
142. Do you drink soda? not a lot of it
143. Would you drop out of school or quit your job? I'd quit my job
144. Why do you admire people? cuz they rock my socks
145. You're having a bad day. Who do you want to talk to? nobody
146. Have you ever sat on a rooftop? yes I have
147. What is one thing that annoys you? judgemental persons
148. Do you have any pets? Why? yes because I want them
149. Have you ever been surfing? nah
150. Tan or pale? tan
151. Pain or no gain? pain
152. What's your favorite song? Cold As Ice, Pour Some Sugar On Me, and Poison... they're all insanely awesome
153. Do you study the Bible? I study nothing
154. Do you want to talk to anyone right now? heck yes
155. What is your favorite sport to watch? baseball
156. Last hug? a while ago
157. Have you ever been homeless? nah
158. Have you ever been to a different country? I sure have
159. What is your favorite type of ice cream? frozen
160. When do you get up? when I wake up
161. Rhyme, free verse, or slant rhyme? rhyme
162. Have you ever been hit on by the same sex? yeppers
163. Explain what you think about abortion. abortion is wrong
164. Have you ever danced in public? yeah, me and my father figure have had a dance off
165. What store would you choose to max out a credit card? Why? AutoZone because I could buy lots of good stuff for my truck
166. Do you own a car? nope, just a couple trucks
167. Who is your enemy? I have no enemy
168. Favorite type of sock? holey one
169. Have you ever broken a bone? yes I have
170. What does the world need more of? cotton
171. Do you have a blog? nope
172. Have you ever seen Switchfoot in concert? no, I'm blind
173. What is your favorite type of music? classic rock
174. Are your parents still together? yes they are
175. Have you ever been in a mosh pit? nah
176. What do you think of reality TV? it's fake
177. Do you think you're attractive? no
178. What was the last insult you GAVE? hmm... I called the empty bread bag a piece of crap because I thought there was no bread left
179. Jeans or skirt? jeans
180. Have you ever done yoga? no
181. Have you ever kissed someone? your mom
182. Favorite food? grilled pork chops
183. Dogs or cats? pooches
184. Tastes great, or less filling? tastes great
185. What does your name mean? tower
186. Have you ever had a crush on the same sex? gotta say no to that one
187. What is your biggest weakness? my lack of muscles
188. What's your phone ringtone? Gray Lollipop.... a ringtone that I made myself
189. Have you ever been high? yeah, when I was on a plane
190. What's your favorite movie? Liar Liar or The Man
191. Do you like taking surveys? yes I do
192. Have you ever considered suicide? not at all
193. What's your favorite color? orange!!
194. Have you ever committed suicide? of course... that's why I'm sitting here all dead and stuff
195. Have you ever walked more than a mile? yes.... GASP!
196. Right handed? Left handed? Both? neither
197. What's your family like? pretty much awesome
198. Would you sell your soul to the Devil? never
199. Do you believe in life after love? I don't understand this question
200. Explain what you think about hippies. hippies are far out Take this 200q survey!