I'd like to meet:
Mo Judas Johnston, next to a tree with a rope to hang him with.
The Pogues, a bit of everything except chipmunk rave shite
too many to name
too many to name
not since higher english
Andrew Kerins, Michael Davitt, Willie Maley, Jimmy McGrory, Patsy Gallacher, John Thomson, Willie Fernie, Joe McPhail,Charlie Tully, Bertie Peacock, Jock Stein, Sean Fallon, Ronnie Simpson, Jim Craig, Tommy Gemmell, John Clark, Billy McNeill, Bobby Murdoch, Bertie Auld, Jimmy Johnstone, Bobby Lennox, Willie Wallace, Stevie Chalmers, John Fallon, Joe McBride, Davie Hay, Kenny Dalglish, George Connelly, John Hughes, Dixie Deans, Danny McGrain, Packie Bonner, Johnny Doyle, Paul McStay, Henrik Larsson, Shunsuke Nakamura, Neil Simpson, Albert Kidd, Tommy Burns, Martin O'Neill, Artur Boruc,