i love movies, as you know music. i love playing the drums, piAnO, GuiTar, AcouStic GuiTar, and the ViOLin, i aLso Love PlaYing tHe SiMS.
ANYONE!!.... as long he/she's not a geek, not a loser, not a smug and not a social climber.**~~*~~**~*~~**~~*~~**~~*~~**~~*~
BUTTERFLY (mY oL-tYm FavOriTe), BeHIND thEsE hazEL eYes n' BeCauSe oF yOu by K.C., UntiTLed aND pRoMise by S.P., (i Love maKsim, BoND, WiLd, HALE, KeLly) PoP, PuNk-pOp, Pop-rOck, PuNk-RoCk, RnB, HiP-hOp, CLasSiCaL, aLterNatIve,....
tHe GiFt, mY BesTfRieNds WedDiNG, GreEn MiLe, Red RoSe I&II, ResIdenT evIL 1, ConFesSions....
aMericAn IdOL 1&4, SimPLe Life2, ThE aPprenTice, SurVivOr all-stars, palau and peaRL isLanDs, ToTaL reQuesT Live, UrBan LeGends eN the sO-caLLed AwaRd aNd coNcerTs sHows....
[da viNci cOde]... aNything that's Not lOng....heehhh