Ryden profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

The player kinda out of date on stuff I listen to due to lacking of the net, but it still has some good stuffs.

Create a playlist at MixPod.com

heylo. my name is Dillon, but I rather you just call me Ryden...or Ry works too, I don't really tend to like being called my my real name online, except by people I deem close enough that it actually sounds alright to nice from them. Or if I actually know the person IRL then well, its be weird to see them call me Ryden lol.
If you must know, I'm 18, White and Canadian also if it is not already obvious...I'm a guy.
Generally easy to get along with and a nice guy more or less, though I can be a smartass and some what of a bastard at times, but its all in good fun and humor so try not to take it too seriously. Though I myself tend to take some joking at my expense a little too serious at times myself, but i am working on it...
I'm here to make friends, not enemies. I tend to get bored when I'm alone or don't have someone neat to talk to. So I've decided to try and meet some peoples here on myspace that I can get along with and share some common interest with me. Hopefully, I'll find some really awesome people out there ^_^
I'm not really all to great at describing myself. The best way to find out what I'm like, is to get to know me yourself. So feel free to talk to me and ask me questions, if I feel comfortable enough I'll answer them.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

To generalize it, anyone that is actually worth while to speak to and that I find I'm able to connect with in some manner. Be it common interest or whatever.
Just so long as the person isn't like a total tool or ass/bitch of some sort, it should be all good really.

To UN-generalize...I'd like to meet certain friends of mine, and by meet I mean like see them face to face. Alot of my good and close friends aren't people that live in the same town as me...let alone same country for some of them.
To name a few...
Fid: Better known on Myspace as Sunshine or simply Bill. A..."deity" of a character if you will. Real nice guy, likes to be able to lend a had whenever he can and is quite confident in himself...sometimes too confident though. Anyone in need of a great friend would do well too look him up.
Systemeth: Probably the funniest and most unique person I've ever known. His very existence is paradox against everything logical. Though on the geeky and gamer side, more so then myself he is still a great friend to have simply for the good times that follow him around. Liz: She is like a sister to me, we're close and so close we labled our friendship as so, cause saying we're friends is an understatement, we've both bailed each other out of some bad times and tend to usually be there for each other, even though at times we fight and may not like each other so much, we still do love each other like family. Family after all do fight a little. Family should also meet each other, so she another I have to see

There are others I could probably put up there, but three shall do.

I suppose I can list some famous people I'd think be pretty neat to meet. Such celebs would be...Adam Sandler, Jim Carrey, Seth McFarlen, Will Smith, Dane Cook, Dave Chappel, Jackie Chan, and...yeah that is all I can think of right now. There are probably others I could list, but as of right now I can't think of them.

Also there are some animals I'd like to meet face to face someday, although some of them I'd prefer to have some metal bars or thick glass between us...
Such animals I'd like to meet are; a wolf, shark, kangaroo, fox, dolphin, ferret, alligator/crocodile, cheetah, tiger, lion, Penguin, koala...and again there is probably more but I can't think of them at this moment

My Blog

What has Ry been up to? P2

So now I should be able to continue and actually get the rest down in this part, figure it be better just to do this in a new blog rather then edit the other ones, so lets go.Sunday was a more laid ba...
Posted by on Wed, 18 Mar 2009 20:04:00 GMT

What has Ry been up to?

I Figure since I lack my own net and when I do get on its completely random it makes hard for people to have an actual conversation with me, I should just post a blog listing what I've been up to to w...
Posted by on Wed, 18 Mar 2009 10:37:00 GMT

Ry needs a new blog post

And...here it is! YAY!So yeah, I notice my last blog post is old and depressing and thought it was time for a new, happier one.In Ryspace news, I've decided to do some revamping of it all and open it ...
Posted by on Tue, 16 Sep 2008 09:45:00 GMT

I need A Life/more Friends/ A Job/Purpose >_<

Bloggen time for reasons unknown, but what the hell. Lets do this shit.So lately, I've found myself with alot more idle time then usual. Why? cause Everyone I know has more of a life then me.Fid is mo...
Posted by on Wed, 07 May 2008 07:22:00 GMT

Tis that season again

Indeedly so, Christmas is aroudn the corner yet again to empty are wallets, num our bodies, however it does at least warm our hearts.However there is the daker side to xmas, from which this story I br...
Posted by on Fri, 23 Nov 2007 16:46:00 GMT

No Reason to Update

Its true, I don't really have any reason to update myspace. No one seems to visit it and obvisouly don't comment, so I'd be wasting my time updating a site that no one appreciates, like my forum and f...
Posted by on Wed, 15 Aug 2007 20:14:00 GMT

Apparently Set for Life?

My mom randomly came a knocking on my window, Tellng me she's taking me out for a bit. She got my my Wi-Fi adpator finally so I can play my DS with poeple online. But she was mentioning stuff abvout m...
Posted by on Sat, 09 Jun 2007 19:15:00 GMT

I'm starting to wonder

Well, not starting. I have been for a while wondering this. It just seem people I call "friends" may not actually be what you call friends. Its more like I'm only kept around for there own enjoyment, ...
Posted by on Thu, 07 Jun 2007 15:23:00 GMT

Boredum Sucks

Through today, I was in lame ass state of boredum which as the title says, sucked. Ami wasn't around the whole days and I don't feel like trying to do anyhting on ToP (Tales of Pirate" till I get some...
Posted by on Tue, 05 Jun 2007 02:51:00 GMT