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I am an original. I do not obey convention and I think for myself. I try to look at things from the most removed and balanced perspective that I can. I rejected a life of comfort and priveledge to hopefully be able to understand and help those in need and solve the problems of the world. I swore an oath not only to service of the Divine, but to protect and serve the earth and I believe that service to a higher ideal is the greatest thing a person can strive for. I am a shamaness or natural mage, an ordained minister, and a writer with my own personal blog listed above and my first book currently at the publishers. I'm a mix of many mythologies and spiritual paths, the foundation of my beliefs being that all the Gods are one God, we are all worshipping the same thing, regardless of the label or mask we put upon It. I go back to the source as much as recorded history and the askashic records will allow. I look at the Divine as being both male and female, and so the mysteries of the patriarchal religions are in no way better or worse than the mysteries of the matriarchal religions of old. They are equal. Everyone and everything is invested with the fire of the Divine and are holy as a result. This means that not only are we holy, but so is the Earth and all the creatures upon it. I love animals and I believe that even though they can not "talk", they are our equals and should be treated as such. I believe that most people are shamelessly spoiled and way too comfortable. I believe the time has come for revolution, preferably bloodless, but people need to start getting some principles and sticking to them as opposed to spending their entire lives chasing and bowing down to the almighty dollar. I believe that the power of "Magic" is the vehicle by which the problems of our world may be solved, because if the feminine mysteries and magic were more widely recognized and practiced in the service of God and humanity, the unchecked patriarchal domination that has been prevalent for the last 2000 years would be stopped. We were meant to live for so much more. "If that which you seek you find not within yourself, you will never find it without; for behold, I have been with you since the beginning and I am that which is attained at the end of desire"