Driving. Hats. Ponytails. Terminal senioritis. Hate my phone. Warmer weather. Headphones. Sarah's basement. Blueberry pancakes. AY YO NIG. Taking pictures. Sunsets. Baseball t-shirts. Tea. Boy. Being laid back. Words. Shakespeare. Boots. Gauges. Put yo cop light on, WOO WOO.
The only people I need in my life are the ones that prove they need me in theirs.
"I have a wedgie, there's dirt in my eyes, I LOVE MARCHING BAND!" -Danny
"My pants are showing... er, wait..." -Matt
"She is a twat of epic proportions." -Aly
"It's Christmas on the Black Pearl; that's what that is. -Allie
"It'd be like licking your cat... just go home and lick your cat." -Kendra
"Oh geez, I love old people." -Allie
"I got you some awesome bread from the Spaghetti Factory." -Jordan's Mommy
"It's time for the sacrificial sacrifice." -Allie
"Wow. Amazing. Our bladders are connected. They share the same urinary track spirit. They have espn together. Yes, espn." -Kendra
"Yes. Yes. Yes. Me, too. Me, too. Me, too. Me, too. Me, too. Me, too. Me, too. Me, too. Me, too. Me, too. ME, TOO. What is J doing?! he was sticking his head out the window." -Karen
"Projectile?? I'm running!" -Molly
"Grandma's six feet under in a wooden box, getting eaten by worms... What's the lesson? Don't play in the dirt, the worms will eat your flesh." -Caitlin
"Oh my god, he has the pinkest nipples!" -Frisbee
"Can I have a spoonful of rice, this is a little bit beany." -Jordan Lee
"You're just mad you don't have my ninja skills... OR MY NACHOS!" -Elizabeth
"I can't believe I bought a hootenanny!" -Eliz
"I was thinking of unbuttoning my asshole." -Ryan H.
"I do NOT want cheek muscles!" -Allie
"I'll be your best guy friend AND your best girl friend!" -Jordan Rodgers
"I wanna open this with my bellybutton." -Jake
"Hey, uh, your toilet can take a turd like a champ." -Andrew
"It just sounds like the devil is coming for me." -Allie
"Fuck you and your rainbows!" -Rebecca
"Ucaliptis tree! ...I really don't know where the fuck that came from. Damn, I'm a weird kid." -Chase
"No, Jordyn... you don't know until you've walked a mile in my balls." -Logan
"I summited Jordyn's stairs last night." -Andrew
New Found Glory.
Insane Clown Posse.
Empire Records.
The Bad Girls Club.
The Soup.
Fight Club by Chuck Palahniuk.
Shaelyn and Kendra have stuck with me through it all and I owe them so much, it's not even funny. They are the lights of my life, the love in my heart. Two pieces of my brain and heart belong with them, forever. They are the best people I know. I can go to them in tears and the first thing out of their mouths would be, "Who's the fucker that needs an ass-whoopin'?!" One of the things I am most proud of in my life is being able to call them my best friends. I love them unconditionally. I know it will be a life-long friendship. We're committed to each other; we're not aloud to break up, haha.
Brandon puts that big, goofy, girly smile on my face. We've been through a lot and delt with shit in our friendship that you should never have to deal with, but we've never let go of each other. I could not imagine my life without him. He's my angel, my oxygen. And he likes it when I drive him around so he can hang out the passenger side window like a dog. :) Choo choo.
Karen is my rock, no matter what. We may not speak every day or hang out all the time, but I know that I can absolutely always go to her, with my head down, and she will tell me everything is going to be okay. She keeps me strong and my head on straight.
"sometimes i think you are tarded.
but i love you anyway.
at the hookah bar, we didn't get carded.
i know we both like to sing LADY
and call each other NIG.
i hope we still do when we're eighty
and our bottoms are saggy and big."
Thank you, Wymsicle! Hahaha!