MySpace Ticker
nonconformity, contemperary transcendentalism (i don't pay taxes), turntables, radio, yu-gi-oh, clubs, bars, writing, reading, karaoke, sexy ladies, church, meditation, long walks in dangerous neighborhoods at nightmspmb allowScriptAccess="never" enableJSURL="false" enableHREF="false" saveEmbedTags="true" src="
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Aliens. Emerson and Thoreau...Richard Pryor....James Brown...Michael Jackson (black michael)...uh....Jesus.... No for real..anyone thats down with the clown ya know....This is great for meeting old krackspace fiends, I mean friends.
Underground Rap, Old School Hip Hop, Classical, Jazz, Classic Rock/Oldies, Alternative Rock, Pop
I am a self proclaimed movie buff. It's hard to pinpoint favorites, but I will list a few flicks that made me cry. Gladiator, A Walk To Remember, Pride, Daddy's Girl, In Pot We Trust
King of Queens, My Wife and Kids, Sanford and Son, The Cosby Show, Simpsons, Family Guy, Chappelles Show, Sex and the City, The Tudors, Girlfriends, Charmed, Sopranos, Jimmy Kimmel Live
The Red Reaper: Volume 1 (that's my book), KAZOO (new spy thriller/comedy project i'm working on), Born in Secret, any romance novels (yea i read them shits), Beouwolf, Gawain and the Green Night, Don Quixote, All Shakespere
Redman, Johnny Depp, Bobby Brown