Hello! wassup? its me KUE or DUCE call me what ever you want but i prefer MR. DUKIE..ahah no! About me? I'm currently going to fresno state and should be done pretty soon, i hope. I'm pretty determine to become a dentist one day, sounds boring? YEA!..ahah..Or maybe a rockstar?.hmm.? ahah which ever one comes first but the rockstar thing is pretty unlikely.ahah. Oh well either way want to be fincially stable so i could do all the fun things I have ever wanted to do. For example, own a nice house, a nice car, travel the world and most importantly spoil my family. So yeah I'm studying pretty hard, it's rough rgh! As of right now I'm training to become a ninja (thats just the excuse for me to lose weight)..ahah yeah I'm pretty determine on that to, gotta look good too if I'm going to be rich right?