I am one badass Bulgarian.
You have your way. I have my way. As for the right way, the correct way, and the only way, it does not exist.
Once you can accept the universe as matter expanding into nothing that is something, wearing stripes with plaid comes easy.
my name is eli.
in a few words: i'm kinda eccentric, very politically incorrect, and brutally honest.
i am a bundle of contradictions, and believe me, this causes me much frustration.
i am somewhat socially challenged - i wish it wasn't so true, but i am completely clueless when it comes to carrying on a conversation.
i wake up with cravings. i always have a craving for a certain something when i wake up.
and i'm most creative while asleep.
i love watching the road pass me by until my eyes get tired and fall asleep. and for some reason that's the perfect time to listen (and really hear) some great music.
it is very possible that i have a staring problem. i find people absolutely fascinating.
i like watching the elderly and trying to figure out what they might have looked like when they were young.
i am a complete mess of a human being.
"i'm a modern girl but i fold in half so easily when i put myself in the picture of success."
i found the friend i was looking for.
it feels like i'm always saying goodbye.
i have no shame and no regrets.
but i do know where to draw the line.
i seek peace of mind.
i live for life.
my secret?
i don't let a god rule my life.
comment me here:
also, chill out and get the fuck over yourselves...please.