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I am here for Friends

About Me

Damn where do i begin........For starters~I LOVE~ CoFfEe( gotta have it), BoDy ArT & pIeRcInGs(can't seem 2 get enough), FeeT(it's a fetish), MaKe-Up & PoLiSh(can't live without), TuRtLeS(there beauty & grace amazes me wish i could be 1), a FuLL mOOn(it's mine,can't explain, it just is)the color PiNk(it's just me) & PlUmErIa'S(it's my signature scent) so for all those that don't know me already i'm .......straight up that pretty much says it all you have something to say i'm here to listen you got something to ask me i'll tell you. I'm very stuburn, cause i never listen until it's to late, I get taken for granted alot because i tend to think of others before myself, i'm never really fully appreciated. i'm very talkative and i'm a good listener too. i've been thru alot in my life so i don't take bullshit. be straight with me and i'll do the same in return. i love to laugh but not be laughed at. i'm very sensitive at times but have a very strong heart some say i don't have one or that i'm very cold hearted. which may be true. that's why i'm very selective as to who i have in my life cause not just anyone can understand me. ~i'm Strong hearted, Independant, Free Spirited~Myspace Layouts

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

no one in particular but if someone or something seems 2 good 2 be true it probably is..........well i guess u just got 2 leave it up to god 2 show them the way cause sometimes what we say doesn't really matter, and realizing is always 2 late...........

My Blog

My DrEaM

Looking thru the mirror an image of MySeLf. the pAsT and the FuTuRe it holds. the childhood fun, the teenage sTrUgGle, it portrays. the memories of both joy and HeArTaChE. the kept SeCrEtS, no oth...
Posted by on Thu, 13 Sep 2007 04:00:00 GMT


The fear, the saddness, the anger and my pride.All.......bottled up insideConfusion.......Feelings of being lost and alone,Being forgotten and misunderstood.Mixed with emotions that can't be expressed...
Posted by on Sat, 12 May 2007 11:30:00 GMT

tHe JoUrNeY

LoOkInG bAcK aT mY rEfLeCtIoN oF sOmEoNe So StRoNg YeT wEaK iNsIde I cOuLd OnLy ImAgInE aNd DrEaM Of WhAt WaS tO cOmE HoPiNg AnD pRaYiNg FoR tHe BeSt BuT sTuGgLiNg AnD sUfFeRiNg SeEmEd To AlWaYs Ta...
Posted by on Sat, 04 Mar 2006 23:04:00 GMT

BeTtEr LeFt AlOnE

A pLaNeT fUlL oF lIfE BuT sOmE hOw YoUr AlOnE In YoUr OwN wOrLd WiTh No OnE tO hOlD HaPpiNeSs WiThIn ThAt Is NeVeR tRuElY sHaReD A lIfE tHaT iS bEtTeR oFf AlOnE WiTh No WoRrIeS oF hUrTiNg AnO...
Posted by on Wed, 01 Dec 2004 23:15:00 GMT

rEaLiTy Is

ThErE aLl ThE sAmE...... WiTh ThErE sMoOtH tAlKiNg BuLlShIt AcTiNg GoOd FoR nOThInG AcTiNg LiKe ThEy TrUeLy CaRe LiEs........ To GoOd 2 Be TrUe DaMn ThErE gOod BuT nOt GoOd EnOuGh MeN..........
Posted by on Wed, 10 Nov 2004 20:34:00 GMT


A gIfT oF fRiEnDsHip YoU hOlD sO dEaR BuT oNlY tHe MeMoRiEs YoU hAvE iS cLeAr KeEpInG yOuR sTrEnGtH TrYiNg To MoVe On KnOwInG iN yOuR hEaRt WhAt YoUr FeElInG iS wRoNg
Posted by on Mon, 08 Nov 2004 15:30:00 GMT

nEw BeGiNiNgS

WaKiNg Up, ThE sTaRt Of A nEw DaY NeVeR pLaN, jUsT dO FoCuS oN yOuR iNtEnTiOnS PrEpArE fOr ThE wOrSt ExPeCt ThE bEsT FoLloW yOuR hEaRt TrY 2 LiStEn NoT jUsT hEaR ThInK pOsItIvE GeT rId Of ThE nEgAtIvE...
Posted by on Tue, 19 Oct 2004 10:01:00 GMT

lEtTiNg Go

EvErYtHiNg We LiVe FoR EvErYtHiNg We Do DoEsN't SeEm EnOuGH HoLdInG oN 2 a DrEaM ThAt HaS bEcOmE a NiGhTmArE LiViNg It Is It WoRtH aLl ThE suFfErInG WhO aRe We FoOliNg ThE sMiLe ThAt We hAvE ...
Posted by on Thu, 14 Oct 2004 16:20:00 GMT

CrOsSiNg PaThS

ThErEs ReAsOn FoR eVeRyThInG We ChOoSe A pAtH wHiCh We KnOw NoThInG aBOuT HoPiNg It Is ThE rIgHt OnE It'S tHe NoT kNoWiNg ThAt MaKeS iT a ChAlLeNgE WiThOuT tHiS lIfE aS wE kNoW iT wOuLd Be A bOrE ...
Posted by on Wed, 13 Oct 2004 23:10:00 GMT

ThE tRuTh

LiFe.............A gift that is unexplainable..........taken for granted and never fully appreciated..........a glimpse of the future...........can it change the past........untold secrets soon...
Posted by on Sat, 17 Jul 2004 02:45:00 GMT