Acoustic Black Metal
Dä Ashkan hätt sech 2004 nach jahrelangem Marsch durch die tüüfschte Wälder vo dä Innerschwiiz und dä Voralpe entschiede, sini Erläbnis akustisch feschtshalte. Es paar unscholdigi möchtegern Mittelalter-Hippies und Heide hend müesse vor em Zorn vom Ashkan wiiche, als sie hend wölle s'Julfescht fiire. Uusgsattet mit dä erbüütete Akustik Gitarre und viele Fläsche Met, hätt er sich somit as Werk gmacht, sini Lieder z'probe.
Als er denn gmerkt hätt, wie dä iisig Nordwind ufcho isch, hätt er sich uf dä Weg gmacht, um sini Tonkunst endlich in feschti Form z'bringe. 30 Nächt lang hätt er am Fuess vom Pilatussee eigehändig sini Musig in Baumstämmschibene g'ritzt, damit mer sie denn uf sogenannte Plattespieler cha lose. Sini bluetigä Händ hätt er denn benützt, um d'Berggeischter ahzlocke, welli denne die Tonträger id d'Wält ustreiht hend.
Velli send verscholle gange, denn dä Ashkan isch jede go Bsueche, wo so en Tonträger becho hätt und jede einzel ine verkrüppelte Baum verwandelt, wo ned Würdig gsii isch. Mech jedefalls, hätt er verschohnt und mer erlaubt, sini Stellig ii dä Menschewelt iiznäh und sini Musig z'vertriibe...Bes jetzt han ech chönne eis Album mit 12 Lieder (Limitiert 13 Stück) und en Kasette mit eim Song, welli aber ii dä Tüüfe vomene Moor versunke isch, veröffentliche......
Dä Ashkan tritt hii und da weder uf, doch nur dä gneigti Zuehörer cha gspühre, wenn dä Nordwind weder ufchond und eim zo dä Waldliechtig füehrt, wo dä Ashkan sini Zuehörer erwartet...
Ashkan decided in the winter of 2004, after years of wandering trough the wilderness of the Swiss mountains and woods, that it was time to bring his tales to music. After a savage assault on some wannabe medieval hippies and pagans, who only wanted to celebrate the Jul-feast, Ashkan got back deeper into the forest. Now in possession of an acoustic guitar and a huge amount of mead bottles, he began to meditate.
As Ashkan felt the freezing wind coming down from the mountains, he knew that the time was right to bring his music into the real world. He sat for 30 nights at the Pilatus Lake, engraving with his bare hands his music in round wooden plates, so they could be played on something human call a “Record Playerâ€. After he finished his sinister work, he alerted the ghosts from the mountains with his now bloody hands, so they could bring his music to the world of man.
Sadly, most of the recordings where quickly lost. Ashkan came to everybody who had one and transformed the listener into a rotten tree, if he or she wasn’t worth of the possession of the recording.... In fact, I am one of the sole survivors who escaped the wrath of Ashkan. Now, I am his messenger for the human world, providing humanity with his music. Until now, I was able to release a CD (12 Songs / 13 Copies) and one tape. But the tape was lost in the moors, as the listener wasn’t careful enough when listening to it.......
Ashkan plays a concert every now and then, but only the careful listener can feel the frozen wind coming up, which leads him to the hidden places in the forest, where Ashkan is awaiting us…
Beside the bad english, have some TRVE Banner! :-<[/p>