These are a few of my favorite things... my family, my boyfriend, my friends, football, food, animals, sleeping in, weekends, snow, concerts, sweaters, traveling, Johnny Depp, beer, my puppies, dancing, kids, cake, flowers, children's laughter, eating out, movies, singing out loud while driving, dancing, sleeping in, pedicures, Baskin Robbins mint chocolate chip ice cream, Tivo, crossword puzzles, the mountains, sea lions, rollercoasters, the colors brown and pink, shopping, mini golf, the sound of church bells, motown music, boardgames, laughing, daiquiris, bubble baths
Homer Simpson
.. Create Your Own
Oh, entirely too many to list here.
Yep, I like movies. Comedies, dramas, horror, chic flicks. I like 'em all.
Grey's Anatomy is the only show I absolutely cannot miss! I also love Scrubs, The Office, South Park, Family Guy and of course The Simpsons. What ever will we do when that show ends?? I watch Food Network, A & E and the National Geographic Channel as well. And, sadly I must report that I am a reality show junkie. American Idol, Big Brother.... the list goes on, I'm not proud.
Books? Those have like words and stuff, right?
Teachers. Thank God for teachers.