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Dirt racing. Why do we do it? For those people who think dirt racing is just about hitting the throttle and turning left...We have news for you. Dirt racing is way more than JUST that. We have to worry about staying in shape, so we can last 100 laps and stay stronger, longer. We crash, we have to suck it up, get up, and work our way back through the pack. Dirt racers, have no fears whatsoever. All of us are running hard into the corner...and running 3 wide, and knowing if we make 1 mistake we are done for. We don't give up. We don't quit. Just because we love the sport so much. Dirt racers dedicate their lives to Dirt racing. We do this sport because we love it and we cannot live without it. It's in our blood. We roll out onto the track, our hearts pounding, and all we think is... I have got to win. Everything more. Nothing less. We want to be the first one off of 4, to the checkers. We all realize we could die doing this sport. But we all take that risk and just keep moving on. ... There is no better rush in the world except when your driving at the tips of your fingers. Why do we do it? Because its the only thing we know. No matter what you do you cant change us, its in our blood we live and breath it. Dirt Late Model Racing
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