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The Feast

I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

JOIN IN THE FEASTAn Ongoing Experiment in LIVE RADIO!Live; Weds 9-midnight....Remix; Fri midnight-2am www.wely.composters by chosa

Myspace Layouts - Myspace Editor

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Living:Kurt Vonnegut. Leonard Cohen. Bob Dylan. Norah Jones. Robin Williams..Dead:Gandhi. Emerson. Hemingway. Lennon. Da Vinci. Bob Marley..Otherwise: Elvis. Jesus. Brian the Dog from Family Guy.

My Blog


After 18 months of cancer treatment (surgery after surgery, radiation, reconstructive surgery) my dad was on the upswing and starting to feel good, looking forward to enjoying the rest of his life. Th...
Posted by on Thu, 31 May 2007 10:09:00 GMT


Body: TRY NOT TO LAUGH ( i didnt believe it, but it works!)????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ????????????????????????????...
Posted by on Sun, 13 May 2007 17:21:00 GMT

The Accomplices

The Accomplices: Sundance George and Butch Reid and the Virginia Tech Massacreby Greg PalastTuesday, April 17, 2007He had accomplices. Don't kid yourself: 23-year-old Cho Seung-hui didn't forgehis two...
Posted by on Tue, 17 Apr 2007 21:43:00 GMT

So it goes.

Kurt Vonnegut (Nov. 11, 1922 - April 11, 2007)"Billy and the rest wandered out onto the shady street. The trees were leafing out. There was nothing going on out there, no traffic of any kind. There wa...
Posted by on Thu, 12 Apr 2007 05:12:00 GMT


God is a Concept by whichwe measure our painI'll say it againGod is a Concept by whichwe measure our painI don't believe in magicI don't believe in I-chingI don't believe in BibleI don't believe in Ta...
Posted by on Sun, 01 Apr 2007 17:48:00 GMT

Only Changing Drugs

Stuart Davis Only Changing Drugs LyricsI had my stomach pumped two times my senior year which earned the approbation of all my plastered peers Now I do my weekly bleeding at trendy AA meetings I was a...
Posted by on Fri, 16 Mar 2007 19:35:00 GMT