Rocky profile picture



About Me

I'm Rachel, but most people call me Rocky.
I'm a Christian, and I love Jesus Christ. He saves.
I love going to conferences. They change lives.
Soccer is the worlds GREATEST sport.
I play for AHS varsity.
I also play for Twin City Fire. u17 and 18
I love my big family, we have so much fun.
I love to sing and play my piano
I have two brothers and two sisters.
I want to go to Ireland by the time I'm 20.
Shopping is fun, but I'd rather be out playing soccer.
I love making new friends!
Being in theatre changed my life..
I have SO many new friends!
Sandra Bullock is my favorite actress EVER!!
I adore music.
I really really like cold stone ice cream. cake batter to be exact.
I want to go to Mankato, and play soccer for them!
My friends are the best, I don't know where I'd be without them!
I've been hurt, but my head is held high.
I've been through alot, but it only makes me stronger.
I LOVE coloring!
My brother Ryan is the best.
I have a HUUUUGE family, and love them dearly. We have so much fun together!
peace out girl scout.
People don't play s.o.c.c.e.r because its fun. Ask any soccer player, some of them hate it, but they couldn't imagine their life with out it. Its part of them, its something they live for. They live for the 7 am games, carbo loads, victory cheers, long bus rides, countless shoes and shinguards, and coaches you hate but appreciate later. They live for the way it feels when you beat the team by a goal in the last 30 seconds and you know the hard work you put in in practice were worth it. You live for the way you celebrate when you hear the final whistle. You live for the way you become a family with your team, and no one understands what happens on the field or within that locker room but you. You live for the countless songs you sing in your head when you're warming up. You live for the people who scream at you while your playing even though all you hear is BLAH BLAH BLAH. You live for the competition, you live for the friends, you live for the practice, you live for the pain, it's a part of you.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:


oh boy. music. i love music with a passion. i sing in about 4 different choirs, and play the piano! my piano keeps me sane. i absoloutly love the feeling of learning a new piece, and being able to fix it here and there. without wichman, i don't know where i would be musically. she's impacted my life greatly. i LOVE worship music; KTIS, and bands such as Sevenglory ;) they're my boys! I just love music in general and don't know what my life would be without it. i want to major in music, or music education.




I love you and can't wait to see you!

JUNE 10!