Heart A Flame profile picture

Heart A Flame

I am here for Friends

About Me

Well er what can i say about me ... this always gets me lost for words its like trying to decide what your best qualities are for a CV ... I'm a sensitive, shy, caring, trustworthy, loyal, passionate soul who loves to listen and share experiences. I'm not very good at accepting compliments so er just dont send any my way lol.I have three gorgeous kids who keep me on my toes taking care of their every needs and believe me there are many, as you parents out there will know. I have a diploma in Aromatherapy, Massage, Reflexology, Anatomy and Physiology but due to Carpal Tunnel Sydrome i'm not practising. Hopefully in a year i'll be able to be the healer i trained to be!I have some great friends Nick 'my Googerly Bear' who always knows what to say to make me laugh and who has named me his Smoochy Poo, Maine who's great to cuddle and have a good laugh with and my tractor loving buddy Frank who is so entertaining and bought me a toy tractor for my birthday hehe, for some mad reason they think i'm funny and like me singing to them , i dont know why cos my voice can break glass lol. Last but not least is my beautifully stunning, sexy, crazy, totally talented girl Ally who is my one, my only and my everything that i've been searching for my whole life she keeps my world together, makes the sun shine when its raining and cools me down on hot days.So after reading all this and you still want to get in touch plz request an add :)

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Cristina Scabbia, Amy Lee, Fearne Cotton (she'd have to be naked or in undies cos she wears some mad clothes), Tori Amos and Kate Bush cos they have amazing voices, Anna Friel, Drew Barrymore (but only if she's naked), Abby from NCIS she's mmmm, Eva Longoria she's sexy, Marica Cross mmmm Bree, Ellen Degeneres, Johnny Depp, Eddie Izzard, Ross Noble

My Blog

Flames rose up high

On that dark horrific night We didn't have the car in our sight As we drove the country lanes, our restricted view we held to blame Within seconds the dark sky lit up with those terrifying red flames ...
Posted by on Fri, 06 Apr 2007 05:23:00 GMT

Little gems of heaven or hell

Would I see the bright light as I slowly slip away? Would i meet those I've loved and lost along the way? Would the memories of my past, with me, still remain? Would I still be suffering and insane? S...
Posted by on Fri, 06 Apr 2007 04:37:00 GMT

Release of Poison

Droplets of crimson fell to the floor Fragile limbs so tender red raw Pent up anger slowly diminished Blade cast aside when all was finished Released poison that once flowed within Soaked up in tissue...
Posted by on Thu, 05 Apr 2007 23:44:00 GMT