Video games, anime, books, and all that good stuff. You know what I mean. THAT stuff. Small collectible figurines. HA! You were thinking of something else weren't you. Hmph....what has our world come to? Just kidding.
Indie rock - Sigur ros, Bloc Party, The Shins, Rilo Kiley, The Decemberists, Bright Eyes, Death Cab for Cutie, Coldplay, The Killers, The Gorillaz, Avril Lavigne, The Notwist, Frou Frou, Alkaline Trio, Depesche Mode, Fallout Boy, Greenday, Interpol, Snow Patrol, The Postal Service, Imogen Heap, Motion City Soundtrack.
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Ahhhhh, what to put?........what to put?..........hmmmm.....The Last Samurai, Big Fish, A Beutiful Mind, Underworld, Shawn of the Dead, Identity, Sleepy Hollow, Hero, Shaolin Soccer, Kung Fu Hustle, Saved, Harold and Kumar Go to White Castle, Apaocalypse Now, Serendipity, Resident Evil, Fighter in the Wind, Battle Royale 1 and 2, Friend, House of Fury (Gillian Chung RULES!), Natural City, Arahan, Twins Effect 1 and 2.
Anime and Law and Order SVU. OH YEAH! and pretty much everything on tv.............well, except talk shows, game shows, soap operas, some television dramas.
Books? Why is this section even on here..........Kidding! I prefer the classics myself.
Heroes...........ummmmm....(thinking)........(thinking)..... ..................well, I suppose that would have to be the me. For of course anyone can be a hero.