So look people, for millions of years before the agricultural revolution (which wasn't all bad) humans were hunting and gathering. Everything we needed for survival was all here on earth ready for us to eat. In the summertime when we need water, watermelons are in season. In the winter when we need vitamin C, citrus fruits are in season. If you think about it, that is a real biological connection between us and the world around us. So when we eat things like monosodium glutamate and high fructose corn syrup and genetically modified organisms and smoking cigarettes and drinking booze 24/7, we are throwing things all out of whack. Why do you think there's an obesity epidemic going on right now? I like to think about what goes into my body...I've discovered that putting the right things into my body helps me feel better and stronger both physically and mentally. It just makes sense. Take about 30 minutes to meditate on it will you?