Likes: IT'S ALL ABOUT THE ART, baby. c; Drawing, reading, designing, movies, computer, moosick, F a s h i o n [please let me design it].Art Music. I'm one of the few people who can say that.
ART: (ye who inspire) joshclub, mincedniku, Loki, Mais2, orangefish +more.
PEOPLE WHO I N S P I R E ME: jeffree star, miyavi, mais, kid acne, bellz (lol!), ayumi. Plus the infamous dead: marilyn monroe, andy warhol, and Rozz williams.
MUSIC: (ye who ROCK) alexisonfire, the arcade fire, David Bowie, MCR (no, really!), Broken Social Scene, Sigur Ros, Christian Death, Duran Duran, Lacuna Coil, THE KILLING JOKE, Siouxie and the Banshees, BAUHAUS, The Cure, The who, alien sex fiend, specimen, sisters of mercy, Ladytron, Damien Rice, dallas green, The Wrens, our citizens here and abroad, UK decay, sex gang children, The Cranberries, + more. c:
CAN BE OFTEN FOUND: being the emo kid she is (lol!), on computer drawing (its called a tablet), being 110% awesome (lol!), contemplating quan-tume physics, headbanging to electronica dance music.
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PRODUCT SPOTLIGHT: product spotlight is when I post a blog entry on certain items/store/clothing places that are really super-cool. I (hope) to get at least one done a week. c:
MSYPACE: I joined to see what the craze was all about. I
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CONTACT-TACT-TACT: email @ [email protected] /// location @ labrador, Canada /// a r t @