****BORN in bankeryd (jönköping/sweden), picked up the guitar at the age of 10 - mostly selftaught -- later i had some classical training and studied jazzguitar and instrumental education with peter omara at bruckneruniversität linz (upper austria) from 1993 - 97
****TEACHING at landeskonservatorium innsbruck since 1998 and at universität mozarteum innsbruck since 2006
****RECORDED 16 cds/dvds as a leader,co-leader or bandmember
pentology(contemporary jazz)...... mn3 (acoustic jazz) .......
mn5 (heavyrock/hiphop/worldfusion) .........
autofocus (groovy freejazz) ........
beginnings- a tribute to chicago........
hongkong (rock!!)
****MEMBER of mr.boil (100% improvised drum&bass&co.); big bonzai (jamband extraordinaire); nouvelle cuisine and mühlbacher usw.
****ADDITIONALLY on stage with/at: Wolfgang Mitterer, Mel Gaynor, Jojo Mayer, Rodney Holmes, John Clark, Tini Kainrath, Jazz Orchester Tirol, Christian Muthspiel, Clemens Salesny, Franz Hackl, Florian Bramböck, Matthias Pichler, Ratamacue, Michael Hornek, Sweet Disaster, Franz Hautzinger, Lorenz Raab, Michael Tschuggnall, Tiroler Landestheater, Münchner Volkstheater, Gregor Bloeb-Show (Musical Director), Christian Wegscheider, Ines Reiger, Dub Aware Sound System, ….
****COMPOSITIONS/ARRANGEMENTS for theater and television (münchner volkstheater, bayerischer rundfunk...)
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