The last thing an angel feels... to fall into darkness, endlessly deep
But it's not the falling you should be afraid of...
It's the impact...
And the devil said to him "I'll give you all the richness and acreage of this world, if you praise my name, forever"
He said "Never, hereinafter Deamon"
The devil turned over, smiled and said to me "I'll show you true love, if you give me your soul"
And I said "Yes, mylord" signed with blood, and experienced true love...
...but was not beloved.
Then the devil came back, evily grinned and said to me "Now you lost your soul, and destroyed your heart, stupid doomed creature"
Forsaken, doomed, empty, forced to be alive...
welcome to your worst nightmare
Welcome to my life
So I cryed, and screamed out into the darkness "Come out, come out, wherever you are"
...forsaken but never alone...
I am seeking for:
Honest human beings returning and appreciatyng gestics. Faithful human beings repaying deeds.
Kind human beings thinking also of other people instead of thinking on their own advantages.
pacific human beings not only taking but also giving in every respect.
I was seeking for so long, but I still did not find.
Keep taking from my soul, my heart, soon there won't be anything left...
Ehrbare Menschen, die Gesten erwiedern und zu würdigen schätzen.
Ehrliche Menschen die getanes vergelten.
Gütige Menschen die nicht nur an ihre eingenen Vorteile denken, sondern auch an andere Leute.
Friedfertige Menschen die nicht nur nehmen, sondern auch geben, in jeder Beziehung.
Ich suchte schon lang, doch fand ich sie nie.
Nehmt weiter von meiner Seele, meinem Herzen, bald ist sowieso nichts mehr da...
I always knew, I'm too good for this world...
You scored as Angel. Angel: Angels are the guardians of all things, from the smallest ant to the tallest tree. They give inspiration, love, hope, and positive emotion. They live among humans without being seen. They are the good in all things, and if you feel alone, don't fear. They are always watching. Often times they merely stand by, whispering into the ears of those who feel lost. They would love nothing more then to reveal themselves, but in today's society, this would bring havoc and many unneeded questions. Give thanks to all things beautiful, for you are an Angel.
What Mythological Creature are you?
Advanced Global Personality Test Results
Extraversion |||||||||||||| 60%
Stability |||||||||||||||| 63%
Orderliness |||||||||||| 43%
Accommodation |||||||||||||||||| 76%
Interdependence |||||||||| 36%
Intellectual |||||||||||| 43%
Mystical |||||||||||||||| 63%
Artistic |||| 16%
Religious |||| 16%
Hedonism |||||||||||| 50%
Materialism |||||| 23%
Narcissism |||||||||| 36%
Adventurousness |||||||||| 36%
Work ethic |||||||||||| 43%
Self absorbed |||||||||||| 50%
Conflict seeking |||||||||||| 43%
Need to dominate |||||| 23%
Romantic |||||||||||||||||||| 90%
Avoidant |||||||||||||||||||| 83%
Anti-authority |||||||||||||||| 70%
Wealth |||||| 23%
Dependency |||||||||| 36%
Change averse |||||||||||||||| 63%
Cautiousness |||||||||||||||||| 76%
Individuality |||||||||||||||| 70%
Sexuality |||||| 30%
Peter pan complex |||||||||||||| 56%
Physical security |||||||||||||||||| 76%
Physical Fitness |||||||||||||||| 64%
Histrionic |||||||||||||| 56%
Paranoia |||||||||||||||||| 76%
Vanity |||||| 30%
Hypersensitivity |||||||||||||||||| 76%
Indie |||||||||||||| 60% Take Free Advanced Global Personality Test
personality tests by
To my non-German-reading Visitors:
My english is poor and translating prose and lyric is always difficult...
To my German-reading Visitors:
You may have a look at my MetalFlirt profile
You may check my HomePage on my own Server. Unfortunatily the Server is standing right next to me in my 13m²-Sleeping-Eating-Working-Living-Room-Combination and its very loud, so it won't be online all the time, until it stands in a cold dark room with a cellardoor...
cellardoor, one of the best sounding words of any language I know...
My Own Server
It's nothing finished, not the Server nor the Homepage, nor the Wiki, nor the FTP-Area. It takes a huge ammount of time to maintain the Server, it's applications and the website, and it's quite tricky, sometimes...
I'll need to handle PHP, Pearl and Python better until it's a nice site...
Actually its 'just' Strict XHTML 1.0 built via a PHP script I wrote...
As usual:
Fr. Sa.:
Mittelalterliche Taverne zur geflickten Trommel in Regensburg
Planned Festivals in 2008
21.06 Feuertanz cancelled no cards available
19.07 ... 20.07 Amphi
31.07 ... 02.08 Wacken cancelled no holiday available, and much to rough for me
09.08 ... 10.08 M'era Luna maybe
14.06 ... 16.08 Summerbreeze cancelled, less bands I like
18.10 Rekwi lets look...
Had been to the WGT 2008, my first WGT ever. No comparison to any other festival. Great spirit, ppl, environment, well I can hardly describe, you have to experience by yourself...
2008-06-20: Hexentanz & Feenzauber, Sonnwendfeuer (Midsummernight) Regensburg, Pürkelgut
2008-06-27: DYNAMICS e.V. Formula Student Rollout of the first car for the Formula Student Racing Event, FH-Regensburg
Some things about myself, just in case you are interrested...
Promises are extremely important for me!
Promised is promised!
Never ever promise anything that you will neglect! I would also never dare this...
You will be among my friends when I know that I can count 100% on you, in return you can count 100% on me
I know this is extrmely hard, thats the reason why I can use one Hand to count my friends, I would be pleased when I may use my second one, too....
Tolerance is also very important for me. I am tolerating many things, but I also want to be tolerated.
Despite this there are things that I can never tolerate...
Some clever said:
"Who's tolerating intolerance is tolerant as well as intolerant.
Who's not tolerating intolerance seems to be intolerant, but that's definitely not the case"
"I might doom you for what you are saying, but I would give my life that you are allowed saying it."
Do whatever you want as long as you take the responsibility for the consequences, and as long as you don't raise mischief. Always stand by the things you did. Your innermost will be thanking you
I say what I am thinking, (therefore not that much ;-)
I will never be backbite clandestine, I will say it right to your face. I am expecting this from you, too...
Many of you won't be pleased, but don't doom me for being that honestly...
Offend and dissapoint me... But then, don't be surprised getting offended and dissapointed by me.
Offend and dissapoint me many times... Well you'll see, life will take revenge on you, I won't cause life is much more cruel and harder than me.
Always remember everything bad you do to anyone will fall back 5 times on you. But this will happen in bad times so it's much harder then the 5 times more...
Yeah now you'll be grinning but let's wait, the time will come sooner or later...
Some qoutes I like (I tried translating them...):
' "Time destroys everything" '*1
' "It's me human being entering earth, an orb, here everyone is standing on top " '*2
' "Dreadful is who loathes beings" '*3
' "Mankind will only be in search of force, of falsehood, delusion and flippancy" '*4
' "Come take my hand, i'll guide you the way you showd me for many years" ' *5
' "...always in new beings the only question asking: do you leave yourself alone" ' *6
Ok following is from me, again:
Things I don't like:
Violence against women in word and deed
People with right (you know those N*z* ppl...) attitude (unfortunately we still have too much of them in Germany, yes we are a very stupid nation, definitely, but Bavaria is even worse...)
Lying my friends
Renege on a promise (next time just say I'll trie...)
Things I like:
People you can talk to faithfully and openly
Life with all its ups and downs. (It would be quite boring without these things)
Negative attributes:
Whenever you disappointed me, it will take a long time until I will trust you again, a very long time...
I am quite shy, so I wont talk much until I know you right
Sometimes I can be quite tenacious, but thats rarely the case
Sometimes im reacting extrem to some Situations. Often nobody would ever expecting me acting like that, but thats also rarely the case
I belive everything you are telling me, why should you lie to me?
I always trie helping all people I know. Don't ask me why It's that fucking goth-genes
My environment is more important for me, than myself. So I'm quite self-destructive (again that goth-genes)...
Positive attributes:
I think I got none...
I'm thinking about it, whenever I got any Idea I will write it down...
Whenever you know any positive attribute of me, let me know...
Die Zeit heilt alle Wunden. In Wirklichkeit wird es schlimmer:
Hühter des Lichtes, Verteidiger der Wahrheit und Gerechtigkeit. Die Ersten, der Anfang, von reiner Seele und stolzem Herzen.
Ständig darauf bedacht seine Macht einzusetzen Gutes zu tun, zu helfen, verorene Seelen zu retten.
Ihr eigenes Wohl tritt in den Hintergrund, sie helfen selbst dann wenn es ihnen extremsten Schmerz bereitet.
Wissend für ihre Hilfe niemals einen Dank erhalten.
Keine Hoffnung auf Liebe. Sie sind überall unter uns, doch durch ihre Macht sehen wir sie nicht als Engel, sondern als ganz normale Menschen.
Gefallener Engel
Ein verzweifelter Engel.
Schwach geworden in der Annahme Dank zu erhalten.
Ihm wurde Liebe vorgegaukelt von denen denen er einst half.
Die die ohne ihn in unendliche tiefen gerisssen worden wären.
Und doch, nachdem sie wieder festen Boden unter den Füssen hatten, stiessen Sie den Engel in den Abgrund.
Er könnte anderen Hefen, was euch nicht von Nutzen war.
Der Engel fühlte Liebe, und nun nur noch unendliche Leere um ihn herum. Im klaren darüber dies nie wieder zu spüren. Und doch immer noch von reinem Herzen, in der Annahme die Menschen seien nicht schlecht.
Er zeiht weiter alleine und hilft den Menschen von denen er nicht verstossen wurde.
Bei den Verrätern blickt er weg, beendet ihr Leid nicht und verliert dadurch jedes mal ein kleines Stück von seiner Seele.
Die Menschen haben seine Schwäche erkannt, sehen dass er ein Engel ist und nutzen dies weiter aus.
Wenn er niemanden findet der ihn nun auffängt, wird er hart aufschlagen.
Ein gefallener Engel der seine Gefühle entfesselt hat.
Er sieht die Menschen als Krankheit und fühlt nur noch Hass und Verachtet sie.
Alles Aufgrund der Schmerzen die sie ihm bereitet haben, dass sie ihn verraten haben, dass ihm niemand geholfen hat.
Er zieht durch die Zeit, hinterlässt in verschiedensten Gestalten Chaos, Zerstörung und Tod.
Und doch ist all dies nur ein kleiner Bruchteil von dem was ihr ihm angetan habt.
Aus jedem Engel könnt ihr einen gefallenen Engel oder gar einen Todesengel erschaffen.
Und doch wisst ihr nie wer es sein wird, so behandelt euch gegenseitig nicht mit Intrigen, Hass, Täuschung und Verachtung, Spielt niemals mit Menschen.
Denn ihr konntet den gefallenen Engel zum Aufschlag bringen.
Wenn jemand für euch da war, seid auch für ihn da, auch wenn es euch wehtut. Ihr werdet sehen, der Dank übersteigt alle Mühen und Schmerzen.
Here are the references of my qoutes:
*1 Eisregen "Glas"
*2 Lacrimosa "Ich bin der brennende Komet"
*3 Die Irrlichter "Mormas Mündel"
*4 Lacrimosa "Stolzes Herz"
*5 Schandmaul "Ein Stück Regenbogen"
*6 Dornenreich "Der Hexe Nächtlich' Ritt"