Kiwi profile picture


About Me

Dan Shvartsman a.k.a Kiwi is a promoter/producer/dj from Tel Aviv Israel .

In 2004 started djing and writing drum and bass tunes, gathering skills and shaping his own style.
In his tunes, you can find yourself drawn by the sounds of bionic weird
creepy atmospheres, that take you in to this dark brutal and shcizoe places.
From the very start he was inspired by labels as Freak recs and Tech Itch recs with artists like Current Value, Technical itch, Limewax and Gein,
which are the main source to quallity heavy, hard and dark Drum & Bass.
*the Pissed off Child (mehoga 4 florentin) Hosting. **Therapy Sessions (comfort 13, 11.07.2009) ***Junglist Militia Droping Bombs (mehoga 4 06.07.2009) ****Noise Medicine (karlibah 29, backdoor 13.08.2009)
Kiwi also work with Sadyle family ,remixing theyre stuff from ruff hardocre hip hop to smashing heavy drum & bass tunes. Samuray and V.B.S already out. More to come )))
Recently started help Clover(www.Junglist promoting Therapy Sessions Israel (Global Drum and Bass Agency) Therapy Sessions going to take serius place in tel aviv underground scene. Stand by freaks and get ready to high temperatures...

Myspace Layouts at / Clown Face

My Interests


Member Since: 17/02/2007
Band Members:
Influences: Metal Slugs, Psycho Killers, Mad Men, Construction Sites, Industry, Tech-Mech Environment, Jack the Ripper, Outer Space, some Marsians i met, MySpaceCraft, Italian Gangsters, the Sopranos, Organized Crime, Naughty Tatooed Women, Expensive Booze, Drunk Beautiful Brunette Females, Corrupt Goverment, Noise POLUTION, Ancient Chinese Riddles, Blues Music... oh yeah and Drum & Bass such as Tech Itch and Penetration recordings,Decoder, Biotactics, B-key, Dylan and Biotic crew, Facs and XXX crew, SPL and lost soul recs, Current Value, old Metallica, Sepultura. Some Punk Rock, some Techno.
Sounds Like: Confused Stoned Butcher
Record Label: Unsigned

My Blog

--- * Noise Medicine * --- Techno / Drum and Bass

                                Boo Nation & Freedoom presents:                                                            Noise Medicine                Nosie Medicine present:Techno 4 your SOUL / Drum...
Posted by on Mon, 20 Jul 2009 16:11:00 GMT

!!! Therapy Sessions Israel !!!

Junglist Militia & co proudly present              Therapy Sessions Israel      11.07.2009 @ Comfort 13 tel aviv Main Event:  Dylan (freak, renegade hardware, outbreak)Robyn Chaos (faith in chaos) li...
Posted by on Thu, 11 Jun 2009 04:47:00 GMT

Mc Klin - Samuray (Boo Nation rmx)

Watch out for the new hard hitting dnb remix for the hip hop tune Samuray. Mc klin did a great job, and Boo Nation just smashed the fucking shit out of it!!! Check this out soon...
Posted by on Wed, 19 Dec 2007 15:54:00 GMT