Was once Linda Martinez. Now The Gatekeeper.She spent too much time hanging around the gate. She watched them all approach and fall short. They died in masses and the gate never opened. The gardens were lush and green behind the gate. Their beauty was beyond any words. It was overwhelming to see so many die without a hope. Then the day came. A young man beaten and bleeding all over the place managed to crawl up to the gate but never reached it. She watched in tears as she already knew that he would not matter to anyone, just like the others. He died only inches from the gate. A pool of his blood touched the gate and it sprung open. Great choruses of angels, a light that blinded and crowd of hosts welcomed the young man in. He actually was the Son of the owner of the estate. She watched as they carried him in and the gate closed once more. A pool of his blood remained. She dipped her finger and touched the gate. It opened once more. She placed the rest in a flask and she now cries out to all ...Seek the Son, you can enter in by his blood! You too can rest in the Gardens! You too can have hope, You too can have life everlasting!
MOST--The Bridge