Kaira™ profile picture


Rest Assured That With A Heart Thats Pure We'll Be Victorious And Not Let Our Hate Get The Best Of U

About Me

im Kaira
Tori says im too hardcore to have babies.
imma real nigga.. no lie
i say nigga too much.. it happens to be around black people alot
im really perverted
straight edge since January 1st, 2006
vegetarian for god knows how long
but those things seem to have gone more trendy than a life style
so fuck labeling me as edge or a vegetarian cause im not anymore
i smoke camel menthols
and ill drink whatever
i dont give a fuck if your mad at me or hate me cause im not edge anymore
fuck off its my life not yours
i dont give a fuck
im done with high school
ill be in Orlando before the year is over.. so enjoy me while i last
i believe super glue and duck tape can save almost anything
i fucking love all my friends they mean the world to me
dont you dare fucking judge me unless you know me
My Phobia List
Acrophobia - Fear of Heights.
Amnesiphobia - Fear of Amnesia.
Ankylophobia - Fear of Immobility of a Joint.
Arachnephobia - Fear of Spiders.
Athazagoraphobia - Fear of Being Forgotten.
Autophobia - Fear of Being Alone.
Aviophobia - Fear of Flying.
Cancerophobia - Fear of Cancer.
Cleithrophobia - Fear of Being Locked in an Enclosed Place.
Cypridophobia - Fear of Protitutes or Venereal Disease.
Dishabiliophobia - Fear of Undressing in Front of Someone.
Helminthophobia - Fear of Being Infested With Worms.
Melissaphobia - Fear of Bees.
Merinthophobia - Fear of Being Bound or Tied Up.
Necrophobia - Fear of Death.
Panthophobia - Fear of Suffering and Disease.
Pnigophobia - Fear of Choking or Being Smoothered.
Pupaphobia - Fear of Puppets.
Rhabdophobia - Fear of Being Severly Punished or Beaten By A Rod.
Scotomaphobia - Fear of Blindness.
Selachophobia - Fear of Sharks.
Spheksophobia - Fear of Wasps.
Taeniophobia - Fear of Tapeworms.
Virginitiphobia - Fear of Rape.

My Interests

My Friends. Hair. Local Shows. Skinny Jeans. My Camera. My iPod. Band Hoodies. Merch Booths. Hugs. Kisses. Belts. Music. Guys. Eyeshadow. Bandanas. New People. Piercings. Tattoos. Hair Straightners. HxC dancing. 2-Stepping. Dounkin Donuts Coffee. Shoes. Tickling. Laughing.
Create your own Friend Quiz here

I'd like to meet:

im a simple person.. im not looking for the impossible like everyone else on myspace.
basically anyone with a sense of humor and a personality.
that will make me happy.=]

or a guy liike my Lena
IllHidUInMyWalls (10:53:17 PM): i love Lena.. shes my booboo
IllHidUInMyWalls (10:53:18 PM): "Lenaboo" (10:53:27 PM): i love kaira too oo oo oo
"Lenaboo" (10:53:31 PM): I love my kaira..
IllHidUInMyWalls (10:53:33 PM): :]
"Lenaboo" (10:53:34 PM): Id buy her shoesss
IllHidUInMyWalls (10:53:37 PM): lolll
IllHidUInMyWalls (10:53:38 PM): :]
"Lenaboo" (10:53:56 PM): and wu her with my love.
"Lenaboo" (10:54:02 PM): because she is like an angel
"Lenaboo" (10:54:05 PM): from up abooveee.
"Lenaboo" (10:54:07 PM): OHHH
"Lenaboo" (10:54:08 PM): I love my kaira
"Lenaboo" (10:54:14 PM): she is hardcoree.
"Lenaboo" (10:54:19 PM): she knows the scooreee
"Lenaboo" (10:54:21 PM): OHHH
"Lenaboo" (10:54:23 PM): I love kaiiraa
"Lenaboo" (10:54:27 PM): she is my bewww.
"Lenaboo" (10:54:31 PM): I love kaira..
"Lenaboo" (10:54:32 PM): if you don't
"Lenaboo" (10:54:34 PM): go eat poo
"Lenaboo" (10:54:35 PM):


currently listening to:
The Almost.
A Skylit Drive.
The Acacia Strain.
All Shall Perish.
Drop Dead, Gorgeous.
Evergreen Terrace.
Eyes Set To Kill.
Heavy Heavy Low Low.
The Irish Front.
Parkway Drive.
The Scene Aesthetic.
Stick To Your Guns.
This Is Hell.

(local bands)


Adonai's Myspace

" ..


i love Fight Club, Edward Norton films, Tim Burton films, horror, and comedies


i love Anne Rice novels.


My bestest friend in the ENTIRE world. I dont know what i would ever do without her. Shes my life and i love her to fucking pieces.
I love this chick right here till death do us part. We never fight even though i annoy her sometimes. But we have proven that no matter what we will be best friends and we can live together and be COMPLETELY fine. And she is the BEST person to talk to right before she falls asleep.. its fucking HILARIOUS. I love her!
This chick is pretty much my everything. We have been through SO much in these past 5 years its crazy and its just proven how much our friendship means and its more than i could ever ask for. I love her.
This kid is the funniest kid i know. Hes my best friend and i love him alot. Hanging out with him is always an adventure even though we dont know what to do have the time we hang out but its never a dull moment with him. Hes amazing.
My love. I havent seen her since school let out and i miss her terribly.. but we will hang out SOON i hope. :] Shes the most chill and understanding person. Shes the greatest.
Lover.. were totally creepy together but i love her like crazy. Im so glad we met at the mall 5 years ago. Shes such an amazing friend. I couldnt imagine life without her.
This kidd is like a brother to me. I love him. Hes always down to talk about anything.. any problems hes having or whatever. Im glad he lives with us.
We have been through the wierdest but hardest shit. This kidd means SO much to me. Hes one of the greatest things that ever happened to me. Im SO happy i found him.
Wow. What can i say about this crazyyyy bitchhh. Lol.. shes sooooooo fun to hang out with. I love her car.. even though its soo small.. lol. I love her.
I love this kid. Hes FUCKING crazy and hilarious. We talk about the most RANDOMIST and SEXUAL shit.. idekkkkkk. Hes amazing.
My boo. Shes soooooooooooooooooooo fantastic. I met her 5 years ago with Sam. And im glad i still know her. I love her to death.

My Blog

Introduce Yourself. =]

1. Ever punch someone in the face? 2. How old are you?3. Are you single or taken? 4. Eat with your hands or utensils?5. Do you dream at night? 6. Ever seen a corpse? 7. Have you ever wished someone de...
Posted by xKAIRAxJEANx™ on Sun, 08 Apr 2007 03:14:00 PST

about my friends

1.List some things you want to say to the people you know but you know you probably never will.2. Don't say who they are.3. Feel free to comment4. Never discuss it again.1. I love you so fucking much....
Posted by xKAIRAxJEANx™ on Sat, 10 Mar 2007 02:24:00 PST

feeling rather down.

im such a fuck up.. im so good at messing stuff up.. and i need to learn how to think before i speak. im so good at fucking up my relationships.. im not good enough. sometimes i dont know why i h...
Posted by xKAIRAxJEANx™ on Sun, 18 Feb 2007 11:58:00 PST