Hi! I'm a pacifier. Otherwise known as a binky. Not only are babies big fans of me, but ravers are too! I come in a wide variety of colors, and even light up. There are also some excellent candy snacks in my shape.
Back in the old days, before I was outlawed at many rave venues, you could catch me hanging out with tons of candy kids, ravers, and e-tards. Not all ravers and candy kids use ecstasy (otherwise known as "E" or MDMA (methylenedioxymethamphetamine) but ecstasy users like me a lot. Why? Ecstasy causes the user to sometimes grind their teeth, and pacifiers keep the user from grinding their teeth too hard or injuring their jaw. Chewing gum is my big competitor.
NOT ALL individuals who wear me use Ecstasy or other drugs! I am not only a friend of E users, but also a fashion statement for Candy Kids. I am a symbol of youth, innocence, childhood, and comfort. Do not assume that everyone who's wearing me is on drugs! Sometimes people just like to spend time with me because I'm soothing! Soothing!!!
My friends include Glowsticks, Candy, Kandi bracelets, Vicks Inhalers, Energy Drinks, and of course, Ecstasy.
Most if not all of the people who I am friends with believe in P.L.U.R, which stands for Peace Love Unity Respect, the code by which the ravers live.
For more information on Ecstasy, here is an excellent documentary with Peter Jennings:
Ecstasy Rising
For more information of Pill Safety:
For other information on Drugs, Plants, and Chemicals:
Take Care, Be Safe, and always remember- PLUR!
Have fun, you crazy motherfuckers! :)