Well what can i say about me....I am 18 years old. I love to have fun. although i am not havin very much these days...I love ice cream. I would die without it! I love my best friends (Ashley, Sierra, Vickie, Shandie, Terry and Larry) Those people love me no matter what I do. They have never said or done anything bad to me. I want to thank them for that. I love my sister. and even her boyfriend even though he makes alot of bad choices in life. his name is Michael Turner. I love to go swimming even though i cant swim very good.I am a chubby girl just in case you havent noticed! But i am not ashamed to say that i am chubby! I die my hair all the time so i will have a diff color hair every other month! Yea i am a little crazy but that is why ppl love me! I have my lip pierced. I actually just got it pierced on March 3,2008. Michael pierced it for me! What else can i say oh yea i graduate in May 16 2009! i cant wait! i also am going to go to prom! Lets see I am single I have been for along time but i am hoping to find a boyfriend.I almost forgot I love to take pictures. I have a boy friend but I dont think he wants to be with me anymore. Well people that is all i can think of for right now! If you like what i just wrote then send me a messege or add me or just do both!
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