Member Since: 2/16/2007
Band Members:
Raping instruments is more appealing and much cheaper than getting professional help
Influences: If He is intelligent He would not permit the destruction of His property
by wars, starvation and disease, pointlessly - or
allow us to be the victims of all the other ills that inflict us in this
life, needlessly - but only for our own ultimate good as a part of a
great pettern.. And if He is just, He would not condemn anybody to suffer
for all eternity because they had failed to make good in the infinitestimal
fraction of a second, which by comparison is all that anyone gets in even
the longest of human lifespan. However much evil might have been crammed
into that single life the punishment would still be out of proportion to
the crime; and that is not justice. Remember the famous bit in the bible
about the sins of the fathers" and god venting his wrath on those who
had displeased him "even unto the third and fourth generation" well, what
could be more flagrantly unjust than punishing innocent children for the
faults of their grandpearents? Yet it does happen, in the form of syphillis
and children are born with T.B, although there is no taint of sin about
their grandpearants having caught that. But it doesnt follow in the least
that because a child starts life with an hereditary disease it is through
god seeking revenge himself upon someone who may very well already be dead.
To accept that puts god on par with a criminal lunatic. But look at it a
diffrent way and you'll see that the disabilities with which many children
are born result from a just and logical process. believe that in the course
of ages the real meaning of the bible has become obscured and then was lost
altogether. believe it was originally a warning that people who led evil
lives would eventually have to pay for it "unto the third and fourth
generation" of their own personalilies. That is if taken that each time
our spirit is reborn in a new body we then inherit the mental and physical
disabailities - and of course, all the good things too - that are due to
us as a result of the good or ill that we did in our previous lives. If,
in one life, a man forces a girl into prostitution with the resuls she
contracts syphillis and in the next he is born with it himself,
you wouldnt consider such a punishment either illogical or unjust, would you?
Sounds Like: A small fuzzled animal being chainsawed by misguided immigrant hairdresser from guam (who's name is unpronounceable) confuzzled by western ideology and with a chip on her shoulder being analy raped by a rabies infested shetland pony named guido that may or may not have contracted an S.T.D making his small fortune dealing "Ya Yo", small arms and staring in his own undergroung snuff film buissiness in budapest.
Record Label:
Type of Label: None