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I am here for Friends

About Me

Uhmm... Im FriendLy. FunnY, Fun-LoVing, FaiTHfUL & FrEe.. Im Juz Me.. -FaiDa- ^_^.

My Interests

gOofinG arOund...TraVellinG...eaTing... readinG... waTchinG series oF sTories.. sUrfinG the neT.. HelpinG peoPle.. ? hehe..

I'd like to meet:



Uhmm.. reaLLy can'T liVe withouT musiC...


HarrY PoTTeR1234!!!!, WaLk 2 RemembeR, If OnLY, D3, aGenT CoDy baNks1&2, craDle 2 the GrAve, eLLa enChanted, ConfeSsion oF a TeenaGE draMa QueeN, liZzie mcguiRe d movie, You GoT serVed, dRumline, schooL of Rocks, CenTer sTaGe, paSSpoRt to PaRis, whiTe chicKs, sHe's the Man, shreK2, raiSe YouR vOiCe, SereNdiPiTY, the NoteBooK, InnocenT sTep, winDstRuck, mY little Bride, the PerfecT Man, TrisTan and Isolde, The deviL wears PraDa, HaPpY FeeT(anG kuliT Tlga!, anD my MOsT FaVe. MoviE is HONEY.. d besT!! :p


PowerPuff girLs(hehehe..), DarK aNgeL, deXter's Lab, mTv PimP mY riDe, feaR facTor, Whose LiNe Is iT anywaY?, Lizzie McGuire, mTv cRiB, ToTally sPiCe, Roswell, GreY's aNatomY, the O.C, America's ToP moDeL, TYra sHow, BeauTY and The GeeKs, PrinCess Hours(addicT me sa KOreANoVela..hihi..), sweeT18, charmed, mY name is kiM sam sOon(hehe..), mTv mosT wanTed & Phil of the fuTure :p


bettY and VeroniCa, ArcHies, haRRY PoTTeR & The PrisOner Of asKaBaN! & seRies Of SweeT vaLLey Jr HigH, sO liTTle tiMe, HarrY poTTeR & half Blood pRince, BooKs boUt baKinG caKes..(Lurve cOoking!) and The HoLY QuraN.. (^, ^)


mY Dad! ehehehe!!