"When the pain of remaining the same becomes greater than our fear of change, we will surely let go"
aim- greenestblack...Some Famous Librians September 24, 1896 - F.Scott Fitsgerald - Writer, September 25, 1931 - Barbara Walters - Interviewer, September 25, 1952 - Christopher Reeve - Actor, September 26, 1888 - T.S. Elliot - Poet, September 28, 1967 - Moon Zappa - Celebrity, September 30, 1924 - Truman Copote - Writer (my birthday), October 2, 1890 - Groucho Marx - Comedian, October 2, 1869 - Mahatma Gandhi - Pacifist, October 2, 1951 - Sting - Musician, October 4, 1923 - Charlton Heston - Actor, October 7, 1849 - James W. Riley - Poet, October 7, 1951 - John Mellencamp - Singer, October 9, 1940 - John Lennon - Beatle, October 10, 1813 - Guiseppe Verdi - Composer, October 14, 1890 - Dwight Eisenhower - President US, October 14, 1894 - E.E. Cummings - Poet, October 16, 1854 - Oscar Wilde - Writer October 20, 1854 - Arthur Rimbaud - Poet October 21, 1833 - Alfred Nobel - Chemist October 23, 1925 - Johnny Carson - TV Host
tenderness, i am the cheese, heroes, the tao of pooh