..The Key:
1)Funny catchphrases.
2)Things I like.
3)Things I dislike.
4)Things I would appreciate having time to do before I die.
1)Funny catchphrases that make sense to me, but not all the time because I have a tendancy to get confused [drink]:*Logic is futile*
*You might get raped - one by one - up a tree*
*Find a pin, pick it up, all day long, YOU'LL HAVE A PIN!*
*I love kathy*
*"Some firemen got my head out from between some railings once" "That's nice. Did you want them to?" "No, I used to leave it there when I wasn't using it for school"*
*ELECTRICIAN*2)Things I like:*sushi*
*talking to strangers [Crayon Man]*
*Things that make me laugh*
*people who make me laugh*
*anime and manga*
*Shallow conversations*
*Deep conversations*
*Lime green*
*Pointless punctuation*
*GOD*3)Things I dislike*THE VOICES!*
*The security guards, damn them!*
*goddamn insecurity complex*
*haggle in a supermarket*
*acheive world domination*
*fall in love*
*fall out of love*
*acheive perfection*
*break a bone in my body*
*break a bone in someone elses body*
*missionary work*
*eat a hat*
*in a GCSE test: take in a small religious statue and pray to it loudly during the exam. possibly make a small sacrifice*