Let me just say thanks for checking out my MySpace profile.
By now I'm pretty sure you're asking yourself "
Who the
heck is this Richard Knight Guy... and how can he help ME?"
odds are you've stumbled onto this page either from word of mouth (one of your
buddies told you about it), one of my videos, looking for info on the search
engines, or the one I get the most (by pure dumb luck).
In either case,
no matter how you got here or how you found me, I want you to pay close
attention because the information on this page can literally change your life
So if you're anything like I was, an MLM lead junkie (it took
alot of therapy to admit this - but I was addicted to buying leads), a shy,
phone fearing, newbie who tried everything he was told by his sponsors and still
couldn't rub to nickels together at the end of each month and you want to know
how I'm able to build my business 100% rejection free, and attract prospects to
me on a daily basis then you need to keep reading.
But before I get into
all of that, let me first answer that burning question you have in your head
right now.
Who The Heck Is This Richard Knight Guy Anyways...??
don't wanna put you to sleep so I'll give you my 2 minute story in a
The very first thing you need to know about me (if you didn't
know already) is that I'm a big NY sports nut (for all the Eagles,
Cowboys, and Redskins fans - I know you'll come around sooner or later
So where was I... Oh yeah...
I first got my feet wet in the
whole "make money from home" industry when I was in high school doing these "Get
Paid To Surf" and "Get Paid to Click" programs (I'm not even going tell you how
it ended up - All I have to say is... I think my clicking finger is still
sore from all the fiendish clicking I did)
But it wasn't until I hit my
second year of college about two years ago when I first got started in Network
and if you've been in Network Marketing for a while you can
probably imagine how it went.
See if you can relate to
doing some of this stuff...
Buying leads from every lead company under the sun
clearing out my life savings just to feed your lead addiction
rejected over the phone time and time again
Running up my credit card jumping from opportunity to opportunity
Wanting to throw in the towel and
kiss my dreams goodbye because nothing seemed to work
But you know it's
funny because now that I look back on it, the same way you stumbled onto the
information on this page, I stumbled onto some powerful information about a 2
years ago that literally changed the way I do business forever.
And now,
instead of hunting people down, buying leads (I haven't bought a lead since that
day yet my business continues to grow), getting rejected over and over again
(more times than a bad kid during Christmas time), I now have prospects
contacting me.
As you'll soon see, I'm not one of these guys who hide my strategies under the mattress when I see you coming. In fact I'm just a regular guy/sports nut/college student who figured this stuff out and I'm simply passing them onto anyone willing to learn it because I know what it's like to struggle and want to throw in the towel.
To learn more about me, my strategies and what I'm involved in go to: www.WhoIsRichardKnight.com