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About Me

Hi, my name is Richard Knight and I'm the creator and author of...

Let me just say thanks for checking out my MySpace profile.

By now I'm pretty sure you're asking yourself " Who the heck is this Richard Knight Guy... and how can he help ME?"
Now odds are you've stumbled onto this page either from word of mouth (one of your buddies told you about it), one of my videos, looking for info on the search engines, or the one I get the most (by pure dumb luck).
In either case, no matter how you got here or how you found me, I want you to pay close attention because the information on this page can literally change your life forever.
So if you're anything like I was, an MLM lead junkie (it took alot of therapy to admit this - but I was addicted to buying leads), a shy, phone fearing, newbie who tried everything he was told by his sponsors and still couldn't rub to nickels together at the end of each month and you want to know how I'm able to build my business 100% rejection free, and attract prospects to me on a daily basis then you need to keep reading.
But before I get into all of that, let me first answer that burning question you have in your head right now.

Who The Heck Is This Richard Knight Guy Anyways...??

I don't wanna put you to sleep so I'll give you my 2 minute story in a nutshell...
The very first thing you need to know about me (if you didn't know already) is that I'm a big NY sports nut (for all the Eagles, Cowboys, and Redskins fans - I know you'll come around sooner or later ;o)
So where was I... Oh yeah...
I first got my feet wet in the whole "make money from home" industry when I was in high school doing these "Get Paid To Surf" and "Get Paid to Click" programs (I'm not even going tell you how it ended up - All I have to say is... I think my clicking finger is still sore from all the fiendish clicking I did)
But it wasn't until I hit my second year of college about two years ago when I first got started in Network Marketing.
and if you've been in Network Marketing for a while you can probably imagine how it went.
See if you can relate to doing some of this stuff...

    Buying leads from every lead company under the sun Almost clearing out my life savings just to feed your lead addiction Getting rejected over the phone time and time again Running up my credit card jumping from opportunity to opportunity Wanting to throw in the towel and kiss my dreams goodbye because nothing seemed to work

But you know it's funny because now that I look back on it, the same way you stumbled onto the information on this page, I stumbled onto some powerful information about a 2 years ago that literally changed the way I do business forever.
And now, instead of hunting people down, buying leads (I haven't bought a lead since that day yet my business continues to grow), getting rejected over and over again (more times than a bad kid during Christmas time), I now have prospects contacting me.

I have prospects calling me up wanting to join my business, I have prospects opt-ing into my lists each and everyday hands-free and the best part is I'm now able to build my business 100% rejection free. I'm not *needy* for a sale anymore, and it's all from the strategies I'll share with you on this page.
As you'll soon see, I'm not one of these guys who hide my strategies under the mattress when I see you coming. In fact I'm just a regular guy/sports nut/college student who figured this stuff out and I'm simply passing them onto anyone willing to learn it because I know what it's like to struggle and want to throw in the towel.
To learn more about me, my strategies and what I'm involved in go to:

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Let me start off by telling you who I DON'T want to meet, because I think that's equally important. I don't want to meet:

    Whiners Complainers Excuse Makers Glass Half Empty People - Pessimists Flaky People And anyone in between

If this describes you, even in the slightest bit then I think you're in the wrong place.

Why am I being so blunt...??

It's simple, because these people have burned me time and time again.

As you'll soon find out, if you reach out to me for help or advice, I WILL help you.

In the past I used to blindly give free coaching and free consulting to people, take time out of my schedule and and more or less stop what I was doing to help these people succeed.

I pretty much gave them the EXACT blueprint of what they needed to do, learn and implement in order to be successful, and get the kind of results I've been getting but for some reason it wasn't enough. It's almost as if they wanted me to do all the work for them. These people claimed they had the *Desire* but they didn't have the commitment to follow through to reach that desire.

If you look hard enough you can spot these people, they're the ones who complain about their situation but never take the first step to change it, they're the ones who make up tons of excuses as to the reason why they can't do something, when in reality they're just not willing to do it, they're the ones who think the whole world is plotting against them some how so what's the point (pessimists) and they're the ones who never follow through on anything (saying they'll do something but never buckle down and do it.

If you're one of these people, please do us both a favor and don't add me as a friend because there's not much I can do to help you.

So with that said... who do I want to meet?

I want to meet people who...

    are ambitious are good communicators have a passion for being successful had some previous business success and who are willing and able to learn and IMPLEMENT new strategies
But, ideally I want to meet someone who has their "inner game" together. That means you have your personal development in place, you have the right "positive" - don't quit mind set.
You already know what it takes to sponsor someone into your business, you're not afraid of the telephone (if you implement what I teach you, you WILL have prospects contacting you - so you can't be afraid of the telephone), you also have to be coachable and able to follow through with simple tasks.

I want to network with people who have had some previous business success, people who are already getting positive results from what they're doing and want to learn how to leverage technology to more or less do 90% of the *grunt work* of attracting propsects to YOU and educating them on what YOU have to offer 24 hours a day 7 days a week.

Or maybe someone who knows what they're doing but just needs the right system or the right opportunity to help them make the income they deserve.

****And if you have all these qualities AND you're a fellow sports nut THEN WE DEFINITELY HAVE TO TALK!
(I love working with fellow sports nuts who are serious about changing their financial situation, it just makes my job that much more fun)

So if any of this sounds like you period, then we need to talk!

Because over the last few months I've stumbled onto systems and strategies that have truly changed the way I do business forever (It's the very same strategies I teach on this page). The systems I use give me a HUGE edge on everyone else and do 90% of the grunt work for me, and actually attract prospects to me so I spend more time with people who are serious about changing their lives.

And after you learn these strategies... "the way you do business from here on out will NEVER be the same". Once you learn these strategies, you'll be able to reek HAVOC on any opportunity you set your eyes on and with less headaches than you ever thought possible, but you have to really WANT THIS KIND OF SUCCESS in order to GET THIS KIND OF SUCCESS.

So if you want to learn more, simply watch my MLM Training videos above...or, you can sign up for my Free 7 day course at:

My Blog

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