Excoriator - Past and Present.
Chapter I
In late October 2006, Sean de Burca decided to fulfil another aspect of an already musically orientated life by beginning to write his own material. The first songs written for this band was of a Death Metal approach. After a month of the band being a one-man-band, with only two fully written songs under its belt, the band took on a lead guitarist and a bassist, who soon decided this style of music wasn't the right path for them. After this Sean gave up on the band for a short while, and focused on other projects, until he thought it was time to completely start from scatch with this project, with a whole new approach to the music and attitude, aswell as a new name, hence, Excoriator.
Chapter II
April 2007, the band now alive again and with new material, Sean decided to start looking for more musicians to complete the line up. A number of guitarists and bassists joined over the course of a year and the band started to record a demo. This was a six track CD named after the band. Sadly this was never finished, but some of the material from this demo, being of a Melodic/Progressive style, made it onto our newly released album.
Chapter III
July 2008, the band had slipped back into a one-man-band, and another drastic change in direction was happening. The music suddenly became mournful and eerie, and the use of vocals had almost disintegrated. Dark and solitary surroundings became one of the biggest influences within the music and from this sudden change, a number of songs had been written and plans for an album arose.
Chapter IV
Late September 2008, Sean began recording the album, playing all instruments and mixing/mastering. Within the week all the music had been recorded and finalized. Four out of seven tracks were placed on this profile and on the 30th of October the album was released under the title The Oakover Hauntings (see blog). This was given a good review from www.unfashionablecreatures.com and can also be viewed in our blog, aswell as an Interview with Sean.
To be continued...
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