rags in hair. stars in eyes. fringe on boots. pens in pockets. arms for hugs. words for meaning. stones for power. heart for fire. and never letting go of my dreams. getting out, not dropping out. smoking dope and doing yoga with bertrand. turning thirty. getting deep. the best friends the world could provide. breakthroughs. making people smile. sincerity. rock and roll. love letters. piles of books. write your way through anything! sweat it out on the dancefloor! lets make this life worth living!
love cannot be forced,love cannot be coaxed and teased. it comes out of heaven, unasked and unsought. ~pearl s. buck
lets get stoned and talk about it man.
chinatown. wassup rockers. wattstax. we jam econo. in the mood for love. betty blue. love and anarchy. puberty blues. the long goodbye. a woman under the influence. foxes. suburbia. gummo. sweetie.
top model night.
another bullshit night in suck city/ nick flynn!!! what is the what?/dave eggers. no one belongs here more than you/miranda july. assata/assata shakur. feminist aesthetics/ed. by gisela ecker. nan goldin/the ballad of sexual dependency. carson mccullers/the heart is a lonely hunter. kurt vonnegut. bell hooks. sylvia plath. raymond carver. richard brautigan. aaron cometbus. lisa crystal carver. margaret atwood. charles bukowski. vladimir nobokov. dave eggers. thomas pynchon. anne sexton. lynda barry. adrian tomine. julie doucet. harvey pekar. dorothy parker. joan didion. murakami. chekhov. linda goodmans astrology books. gary goldschneider/joost elffers: the secret language of destiny. plus rock n roll bios. history books. books on religion and philosophical thought. cookbooks. diaries. doris. invincible summer. hobo. anything confessional.