amber profile picture



About Me

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My Interests

working out,playing tennis,volleyball,pool,darts,and any other sport. i love watching movies,reading books and of course hangin out with my wonderful boyfriend ZAID!!!

I'd like to meet:

Things You Actually Really Want to Know About Me
basic info
name: amber
what do people call you?: amber
birthday: dec 3
current location: dayton
height: 5'6"
eye color: hazel
hair color: black
righty or lefty?: right
a few questions
do you believe in god?: yes
do you have a religion?: yes
do you speak another language?: no
do you live in the moment?: yes
do consider yourself tolerant of others?: yes, very much so
are you confident?: yes, always or i would be me
are you a daredevil?: no
what is the compliment you get from most people?: you have beautiful eyes!!l
what do you like the most about your body?: ha, ha, my butt!
do you think you are good looking?: yes
do have any bad habits?: no
what's your biggest fear?: dying at a young age
do play an instrument?: no
can you sing?: yes
if you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?: nothing im great
what is the most important lesson you've learned from life?: never judge a book by its cover
do you think life has been good so far?: yes
is there anything you regret doing/not doing in life?: no
do you believe in love at first sight?: yes
do you kiss on first date?: no
do you have sex on first date?: no
color: RED
number: 2
food: all fruits
drink: diet coke
alcoholic drink: none
country: cyprus
animal: dogs
season: spring
day of the week: thursday
name: zaid
have you ever...
been arrested?: never will
kissed someone of the same sex?: hell no
done something you regret?: yes
smiled for no reason?: yes
laughed so hard you cried?: yes all the time my boyfriend is hilarious
sang to someone for no reason?: yes
talked to someone you don’t know?: yes, everyday
been in love?: yes
broken the law?: no
been in a car accident?: yes
run into a wall?: no
made yourself cry to get out of trouble?: no
cried over a movie?: yes
been so drunk that you cant remember?: no
stayed home from school?: n/a
been out of state?: yes
in the opposite sex
hair color: dark brown or black
eye color: brown or green
height: 6 feet or taller
body type: muscular
short or long hair?: short
tattoos/piercings?: no
hot or cute?: hot
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classical,celine dion,shania twain,faith hill,sting, anything 80's,zaid,jusin timberlake,beyonce,fantasia,whitney houston,mariah carey,josh groban,carrie underwood,linkin park,james blunt,daughtery,p.diddy,bobby valentino


devil wears prada,conspiracy theory,16 blocks,war of the worlds,madea's family reunion, diary of a mad black woman,the color purple,hannibal-all of them,idelwild,because i said so,catch and release,maid in manhattan,selina,gladiator,harry potter series


american idol, all csi's,desperate housewives,shark,amazing race,survivor,prison break,house


BIBLE,friends and lovers,any book by eric jerome dickey,dr.phil's books


my mother MARGARET ANN GEYER, even though she has already passed, she left a beautiful and wonderful legacy to follow!