"Journey is the walls we cannot pass through.
It buries what we want to see, but what others are afraid of.
The journey can run away from us, as we run towards it.
Thinking of what may wait beyond the walls we do not pass.We hear of journeys taken by others,
But what we don't realize is that we have our own destiny.
Journey is the timelessness, we try to achieve everyday.
Often, we see what lies ahead but are unable to reach what we see.Think of the journey as the point of no return
It will bring you to where no one has dreamed of going.
Journey surrounds us minute after minute,
Hour after hour, day after day,
Establishing hope that one day each individual will find what they're looking for."
Theresa Ptakowski"Denying problems we have faced in the past,
We face the reality of the things we desire.
These desires spreading throughout our veins and minds,
Causing us to discover the deepest part of our self image
As if we are being drawn into the beauty of a fire.Too much desire for a particular item,
Can lead to disasters in the future,
Making us wonder why life is worth living,
If happiness can turn to pain in the blink of an eye.
We begin to question whether or not there is a difference in them at all.Desire starts in our hearts and passes through us.
Fire meanders viciously therefore destroying anything in its path.
Over time the happiness that our desire or passion brings us,
Will be shattered by the beauty of the fire itself.The most beautiful things carry hate in their hearts.
Look at the sun, it is stunning yet can damage you.
Imagine space and its glamour, yet its' meteors could demolish our country.
Fire, even though it provides warmth in the coldest of times,
That warmth is taken by mother nature and here fiercest winds.We can't live hoping and praying for the best.
Destiny lies within us and will show its' face.
When the time and setting are correct,
Until then we will ponder over the fact,
That beauty is pain and that desire is fire."
Theresa Ptakowski