one bad motha... shut yo mouf! profile picture

one bad motha... shut yo mouf!

you can take the one thing i have left - can beat me to the ground and take my breath - but you can'

About Me

Life is too short. Grudges are a waste of perfect happiness. Laugh when you can. Apologize when you should... and let go of what you can't change. Love deeply and forgive quickly. Take chances... give everything... and have no regrets. Life is too short to be unhappy. You have to take the good with the bad. Smile when you're sad. Love what you've got... and always remember what you had. Always forgive but never forget. Learn from your mistakes but never regret them. People change and things go wrong but always remember LIFE GOES ON. Map out your future, but do it in pencil. There's no such things as fairytales, so don't expect to live one. Smile when you're happy... keep smiling even if you're not. Don't be afraid to let the teardrops fall. Soak it all up. Dance to the beat of your heart... and when love knocks on your door, let it in! Don't be afraid to take risks. Cherish your friends... there's a reason they're there. Play in the rain and swim in the ocean. Accept that your heart will get broken once, twice, or a thousand times. You will love again. Sing in the shower and dance in the mirror. Roll the windows down and let the wind blow through your hair. Make mistakes... don't regret them! Realize that there is no such thing as Mr. Right... but if he loves you, let him. He won't be a knight in shining armor. He won't sweep you off your feet, but he'll catch you when you fall. He's not supposed to make you happy. He's supposed to make you happier. Find happiness in yourself. It's there if you look for it. Take lots of pictures... with goofy faces. Eat popsicles and read the jokes on the stick. Live your life to make you smile... and make it all worth while. Cherish the moments you have because one day it'll all be GONE. Be crazy. Be stupid. Be wild. Be silly... because LIFE IS TOO SHORT TO BE COOL.
hugs not drugs. ♥
there are a lot of things that make me happy, little things. on the other hand, there are a lot of things that just plain out piss me off. i love smiling for no reason and i hate busting out crying because i miss home. i love pirates. i love my amazing friends but i hate the fact that i'm 700 miles away from most of them. i love tinker bell and i hate how disney puts out everything with disney princesses on them and never includes tink. i love taking pictures but i usually hate how i look in them. i love movie nights but i hate spending 2 hours watching a movie that it total crap. i love singing like it's no one's business but i hate singing in front of people. i love being in love and all the goofy feelings that come with it. i love wal-mart and the fact that i can buy my milk and my underwear at the same time, but i hate how long the checkout lines are at 11:45 on a saturday night. i love feeling pretty but i hate how much i have to put in to feel that way. i love how people think i'm so much fun despite the fact that i don't drink anymore but i always hate having to explain why. i don't like acting like showing my ass and when you add me and alcohol, it's inevetable. i love honest people but i hate when people are rudely honest. you can be honest without being a douche. despite my avid hatrred for shoes, i have an entire closet FULL of them. I have more bathing suits than i have underwear, which kills me because i live so far from the beach now. i love being artsy but hate when i feel like i have no new "ideas". i love karma and how people always get what they deserve, but i hate how guilty i feel when bad things happen to people. i love flip flops but hate when it's cold out and my toes go numb. i love skirts but i hate the way my legs look. i love tattoos and i hate when people degrade those who have them. tattoos do not make you a bad person, however the hairdresser who let britney spears walk out of the salon with a shaved head is evil. i hate it when people have no self respect. i hate it when people cheat because that is intentionally hurting someone, in which case karma will come back to you and then i will feel guilty for something bad happening which makes me hate it twice as much as other things. i love the song "don't worry, be happy" and it can always make me happy when i'm having a bad day but i hate it when people think that bob marley sings that song! it's bobby mcfarrin people. let's remember this. i hate feet and think they're disgusting, but i think we'd all look really odd if we didn't have them. i love visiting every sunday to read the new posts. i hate vegtables with a passion. but most importantly, i love my life.

My Interests

♥ friends
♥ music
♥ clubs
♥ make - up
♥ pictures

I'd like to meet:

- i've already got the most awesome boyfriend in the world who i love... sorry boys...
- tinker bell, if she were real...
- the guys from papa roach...
- jason mraz because i would want to see him play live and just listen to him sing because he's amazing.
- pretty much anyone who makes kick ass music... by the way you should check out he's an awesome dj and he's a hottie ;o)

- nick swardson because he's a comedic genius
- johnny depp... we would make gorgeous babies.
- marilyn monroe...
- phil hansen... he's such an amazing artist and his work takes art to a whole new level. check out his stuff at he's a genius.
- miss britney spears... i don't care how bad she gets, i still rock out hardcore to britney. that and i would be the one to slap some sense into that girl. she's still hot. i don't care what you say.


i have an extreme passion for music. i love playing it, i love listening to it, i love singing, i love dancing, i love everything about it. i thing that music is so much more than just sounds. i think music expresses what feelings sound like. music is your inner most thoughts put into sound without you speaking. my taste in music is pretty random. i listen to a little bit of everything. old school, new school, hip hop, dance, country, rock, alternative, jazz, you name it, i love it...


♥ debbie does dallas
♥ backseat bangers
♥ deepthroat
♥ ♥ pirates 1, 2, & 3 ♥ ♥
♥ dumb and dumber
♥ wedding crashers
♥ dodgeball
♥ the boondock saints
♥ go
♥ the wizard of oz
♥ fern gully
♥ a history of violence
♥ domino
♥ the little mermaid
♥ beauty and the beast
♥ tommy boy
♥ talledega nights
♥ moulin rouge
♥ napoleon dynamite
♥ the other sister
♥ anchorman
♥ sin city
♥ anything with will farrell
♥ anything will vince vaughn
♥ almost anything that's funny

basically, i'm obsessed with movies, and that's that.


family guy, the simpsons, weeds, scrubs are the best tv shows ever...


♥ The Five People You Meet in Heaven by Mitch Albom
♥ I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings by Maya Angelou
♥ Black, White, and Jewish by Rebecca Walker
♥ Why Do Bad Things Happen to Good People by Harry S. Kushner
♥ Black Like Me by John Howard Griffin
♥ Night by Elie Wiesel
♥ A Salty Piece of Land by Jimmy Buffett
♥ A Child Called 'It' and The Lost Boy by Dave Pelzer
♥ Smashed by Koren Zailckas
♥ Horseradish by Lemony Snicket
♥ Girl Bomb by Janice Erlbaum
♥ Anything written by Shel Silverstein or Dr. Suess


♥ tinker bell... the only girl i know who can be a bitch without ever saying a word... that's impressive

♥ diamond. she's my dog. she's freakin' awesome AND she's freakin' cute as crap...

My Blog

some inner thoughts

So here it is. Finally, it's Halloween. What am I doing? Well, to be perfectly honest, I'm hiding in the back room with all the lights shut off to avoid Trick-or-Treaters because I don't have candy. M...
Posted by one bad motha... shut yo mouf! on Thu, 01 Nov 2007 09:13:00 PST

rants about the internet...

you know what absolutely kills me? these advertisements at the bottom of myspace that say "are you gay? click here to take the quiz and find out!" is there a way you can go on with your life without k...
Posted by one bad motha... shut yo mouf! on Thu, 19 Apr 2007 10:26:00 PST

Mom's little life lessons...

There are a lot of things that my Mom has taught me this far in my life. All of them being extremely important lessons that I'll take with me forever. Mom always taught me about appreciating a job wel...
Posted by one bad motha... shut yo mouf! on Wed, 18 Apr 2007 01:09:00 PST

This is what happens when you realize you've ALWAYS been a dork.

As I sit here on a Sunday afternoon, taking a break from Sunday before- work cleaning, I think about where did my life change? Upon cleaning this morning, I came across a box in my closet full of note...
Posted by one bad motha... shut yo mouf! on Sun, 01 Apr 2007 10:10:00 PST

The Turning of a New Leaf

As most of you know, I've been an Alanis Morrissette fan ever since she became really popular in the states when I was in probably 5th grade... long before I knew what "fucking someone" actually meant...
Posted by one bad motha... shut yo mouf! on Tue, 13 Mar 2007 08:54:00 PST

There's Always a Silver Lining...

I know I've been a little blog-crazy lately but I'm finding myself being inspired by many things and I figured, hey, why not share some words of inspiration with everyone, right? I guess maybe I'm sta...
Posted by one bad motha... shut yo mouf! on Fri, 12 Jan 2007 06:57:00 PST

Everything I Ever Needed to Know About Life, I Found in This Bulletin.

I really don't think I could have stated this any better if I tried... Growing 20'sThey call it the "Quarter-life Crisis." It is when you stop going along with the crowd and start realizing that there...
Posted by one bad motha... shut yo mouf! on Mon, 08 Jan 2007 07:00:00 PST

Let's hope 2007 doesn't suck balls.

Okay so maybe I shouldn't be putting this out there for everyone to see but at this point I really don't know where else to go. It's sad to confide in a computer, isn't it? This year has been one of t...
Posted by one bad motha... shut yo mouf! on Sat, 30 Dec 2006 07:59:00 PST

Holidays = STRESS

So I haven't posted anything in a while and I figured, what better time than the holidays to do my bitching? The holidays are supposed to be a time of happiness and togetherness. There are some thing...
Posted by one bad motha... shut yo mouf! on Sat, 25 Nov 2006 08:00:00 PST

The Quest to be Perfect

So something's been bothering me a little bit. And it doesn't directly have to do with me but it still kinda makes me mad. As long as I can remember, society has been emphasizing this image of the fe...
Posted by one bad motha... shut yo mouf! on Mon, 28 Aug 2006 11:43:00 PST