THE PATRON MAJESTIC::: brand clothing is based on THE KING OF THE KINGS JESUSCHRIST influence. Its origin took place in x-presa studios managed and shaped by CHX :: Aka jay David Diaz.) ) )) )
xpresa’s MOTION ART DESIGN provide an exclusive concept in visual arts such as video clips, advertising spots and so on for everyone and everything around the world.
Feel free to contact us.
THE PATRON MAjestic gear _ es la marca del Patron KIng of King ( JesusChrist)_ sale del estudio X-PRESA by ..::CHX::.. damos servicios de Motion Art_ Video Film Maker o simplemente design
_( make BEAT sale) para todos Todos_ aki estamos para dar nuestro service_
Atte Chavoxo a.K.a JaY [David Diaz] ( CHX ) ) ) ) )