!Kid Nintendoâ„¢ profile picture

!Kid Nintendoâ„¢

About Me

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Hi i'm Jeremy. I doubt you even read that line. But if you did, then read the rest. I live in perth, it's a cool place. Live here too? let's hangout sometime. I go to St Stephens School. It's private and has too many rules. In other words, it fucking sucks. I'm actually really short lol. Most likely shorter than you. I'm pretty much an idiot. I say really stupid things. And i swear and use sarcasm all the time. I laugh at just about anything. So if your funny, i'll probably like you. I'm shy when you first meet me. But after a while i just don't care haha. I like graffiti and photography. Mainly because they look good. When i'm older i want alot of tattoos. Cause i reckon they're awesome. I'm not edge, but i choose to not drink/smoke. Mainly because i don't need that stuff. And probably better off without it. I prefer night time, cause it's better. I drink to much coffee/caffiene. I'll probably die of it someday. i've got nothing else to write, ask me anything else.
msn - [email protected]
aim - kidxnintendo
groups/trains im on:
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