a L y profile picture

a L y

I am here for Friends

About Me

Antonio & Alexander's MOMMY - Its their world, I just live in it.
Excessive random behaviors that would stir up an excruciating headache to one whose incapable of handling such situations. Topped with asshole-esque ways and no control over my verbal motor skills what-so-ever.
Summed up in one word [retarded] (says him) I like to call it UNIQUE!
INDEPENDENT. Freedom isn't free, but whats a small price to pay for complete happiness?
Spontaneous combustion terrorized by hesitation. Figure it out, it makes sense when you meet with the situation.

My Interests

My amazing sons, Antonio & Alexander * My retarded boyfriend * FAMBIzZ * LOVE my godchildren, nieces and nephews * Randomosity at its finest * Driving with no destination * MASSIVE AMOUNTS OF CHOCOLATE * "aPpLeJuiCE" * StarbucKs * Traveling (anywhere is fine) * Shopping @ someone elses expense * Extreme A.D.D. * Pirate protege * Incredibly hyped even when im bored * Deep sea diving * Unknown walks * ALL nighters with an early shift * Music of all genres * Hardcore BLoCkbUster nights * 2nd degree text message master * SpOoF * Layered in more ways then one * the UNgirly-girl * Puddles & rubber boots, yay * VEGAS * HYPO-aLLergenic EVERYTHING * Retired MAC whore * Exclusive RANDOM pictures * TATTOOs (on others)* Events that involve SCREAMING * DOLLED UP, double fisted * Sleep * Cupcakin GOLD medalist * FOoDage * "CaNDY" * Tamed * Beautiful sunrises/sunsets * Outdoor activities * Artsy geek * Cheese burn, YIKES * Oldies but goodies * Insomniac *

I'd like to meet:

my imperfect perfection and flawless flaw..... CHECK!!


..If its inspiring, full of truth and touchs some part of my soul, i'll listen to it.

My Blog

BoOooORed @ home

1: who was your last call and what was it about?Mi madre - Just doing my daily check in. 2: is there a member of the opposite gender on your mind?For sure!3: whats one thing youre really good at?being...
Posted by a L y on Wed, 14 May 2008 12:47:00 PST


1. Sit in your parked car with sunglasses on and point a hairdryer at passing cars. See if they slow down. 2. Page yourself over the intercom. Don't disguise your voice. 3. Every time someone asks y...
Posted by a L y on Mon, 09 Oct 2006 05:23:00 PST