This page is dedicated to bringing together Zickafoose/Zickefoose family & friends.
Rule #1 : You have to be a Zickafoose/Zickefoose to be on the friends list.
Rule #2 : If you have any good pictures of the family or your family, please email ( them to me so I can add them to the page.
Rule #3 : Being a Zickafoose/Zickefoose is about world domination. Do your part.
Rule #4 : It's ok to slap someone for misspelling your last name.
Rule #5 : Don't be discouraged that your friends have 20 different nicknames for you. Just accept the fact that they suck because their name isn't as cool.
Rule #6 : We're lovers, not fighters. Great lovers none the less.
Rule #7 : See Rule # 6.
Rule #8 : People love us, we don't know why, they just do.