those who feel trippy energy shit and see auras ;-)haha and anyone else with a good heart, who will make me laugh, smile,. show me their perception of the world.In my life Ive had some amazing experieinces, Ive done the most unfathomable things, Ive have experienced the most unexplainable moments of bizarre and freak coincidencnes, being in exactly the right place at the right moment, which can only be interpreted as if it was designed to be that way . I belive in that. If I told you everything , you wouldnt belive me , and I search .. for others who already know .. .Within the comprehendable realm of my existance I have so many great memories, and they are mine to keep , but I will share with you if you will listen, It drives me to relive these moments in time through words.. leaving an impression of my existance within your mind , but it will never be yours, even though my words become a part of you . Ive seen life through every persepctive imaginable some of them, have been given to me by others who obtained such perspectives and are still sane enough to tell about it , I understand the nature of the most horrific actions known to man, because I understand the nature of humanity itself, therefore I judge no one, despite anything they have done or anything they belive in , we were all born capable of anything , we came into this earth with nothing but innocence, and every experience we have had seince the moment of our first breath has corrupted us.. we are guilty of beliving what is told to us if we trust the people telling us , we are blinded by our own perceptions as they sculpt us into the person that we belive are, if you judge someone for their actions you are ignorant . you are capable of those same actions . you have just been brainwashed into beliving that they are bad and thats why you choose not to do them, you were not born with judgements of things or other people, you learned to be that way .. Ive wandered my way though this masquerede, people percive me however I want them to , I am the reflection of the parts of themselves they wont dare admit to , becuase, I see them for what is beneath the mask, but only becuase I have worn many masks , I know how to identify one . In this sea of doubt in confusion amongst minds I have been lost myself, I have been vunerable to some, the most influential people in my life were the ones who destroyed me , made me cry and beg for mercy , made me bleed, made me hate them,made me hate myself , but now they are nothing more than memories, characters in the story of my life, within my mind they are marionettes.. I do with them as I wish .. I have a tendency of slipping though the cracks when I do not want to be found.. leaving behind the time that has passed and taking with me the fingerprints of every soul ever to say one word to my essence . Every person I have ever met is a part of me, some ,more so than others, They have given me , what money could never ever buy and I am so grateful to them for sharing with me those moments of time , within them , only then am I free. I strive to share the vast expanses of my mind that is an infinite canvas for which I paint my perception of the word