There's a difference, between doing the right thing, and being the right person
When you come to the end of all the light you know, and its time to step into the darkness of the unknown, faith is knowing that either one of two things shall happen: either you will be given something solid to stand on, or you will be taught to fly...
♥GOD ♥
♥nEw BorN PuPPieS ♥
♥sUNsETS ♥
♥SiNGing JOE and RoSALita aT ThE toP Of mY LuNGs wITh SaNDra iN mY FOrd FoCUs ♥
♥WiNnInG BLacKjAck aT tHe cAsinO ♥
♥FrOgGies ♥
♥GetTinG MAil ♥
♥ pEoPLe WhO mAkE mE ThInK ♥
♥ RuNnINg ♥
♥ KenNy CheSNey ♥
♥ daNciNg wiTh ToM wHeN hE iS DrUnK ♥
♥ ErOTic PhOtO HuNt ♥
♥ MaLIbu ♥
♥ SkIn EXfoLIaTions ♥
♥ THe CoLOr GrEeN ♥
♥ MARIO!!!♥
I would like to meet the person who flicked me off in the parking lot the other day. i would like to meet the person responsible for the horrible food that we were forced to pay 15 dollars to eat at the engineer ball. i would like to meet God. I would like to meet myself in 10 years. i would like to meet a DJ better than laserX. i would like to meet Kenny Chesney and i would also like to meet any woman of his dreams so i can give her a thing or two.. (just kidding trent ;)
if you knew what this means to me....
My heros are people that can do the right thing when nobody is looking. people who can turn to someone that has done them more wrong than good and smile a genuine smile at them and wish them a good day. My heros are the men and women who put thier lives on the line for other people that they have never met before and get paid barely minimum wage, while sports stars and bad singers are making millons. My heros are the soldiers of the united states who are only doing their job but have to listen to people who hate them for being a part of this horrible war. and my honey.... hes my hero too. :)
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