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Bela Crkva

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Bela Crkva is a town and municipality in South Banat District of Vojvodina, Serbia. The town has a population of 10,638, while the Bela Crkva municipality has 20,275 inhabitants. The name of the town simply means "white church" in Serbian. In Romanian, the town is known as Biserica Alba, in German as Weißkirchen, and in Hungarian as Fehértemplom. The town was founded in 1717 when this region was included into the Habsburg Monarchy. It was part of the Banatian Military Frontier of the Monarchy and, since 1774, was a seat of the Illyrian (Serbian) section of the Banatian Frontier. Since 1918, Bela Crkva was part of the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes and subsequent South Slavic states. With beautiful countryside, old and picturesque facades and streets, parks and lakes, is a genuine oasis for tourists. Outlying and far from the hustle and bustle of big cities and speed of modern life, offers her visitors refreshment, leisure and enjoyable holidays. Mountain air, which comes from the Carpati, slopes, then prevailing sunny days during a year, a home cuisine and a lot of other pleasures offer a real opportunity for refreshment and memorable holidays. Visitors are impressed with wonderful crystal clear lakes of which as many as six are good for swimming. You can decide whether to go to one of the lakes where you can find just wild beaches and natural sceneries, or preferable town beach with facilities - showers, cabins for change clothing, restaurants, ice-cream parlors, sports grounds, weight lifting, water polo sport, sailboats for rent. For those who are fond of camping there is a well-equipped car-camp to be found. Bela Crkva, a well-known resort with its picturesque countryside, beautiful lakes, elaborate baroque facades, famous "Flower Carnival" held in summer, fruits and wines of high quality, attract lots of tourists during the course of the summer season. Finally, since the town hasn't developed into an industrial area, there is no pollution, and consequently Bela Crkva is classified as an ecological town. If you decide to visit Bela Crkva, you should certainly stop by the museum, which dates from 1877. Besides an archeological collection, there you can find Bela Crkva paintings from XIX century. Since Bela Crkva surroundings are a real treasure, we are recommending to come and visit us by car or bicycle. The hills covered with orchards in the middle of flat Vojvodina, must be a most surprising and magnificent sight to everyone. Some rivers, which are at close range, such as - The Danube, The Nera, The Karash, Danube -Tisa - Danube Canal, together with already, mentioned lakes nearby, are all real spots and recommended for fishing. "Catching BESSIE, the capital fish" is a well-known manifestation held in summer every year in honor of a catfish of 200 kg. It weighs so much as far as fishermen stories go. We are also recommending you to try some fish soup in one of the restaurants in Stara Palanka, which is located at the confluence of Danube - Tisa - Danube Canal, some 10 km. far from Bela Crkva. If you want to visit the old Roman fortress Ram, you can take and enjoy a ferryboat. The Deliblato desert, a unique sandy terrain in Europe, lies within reach of 15 km. from Bela Crkva. It is a popular outing and a well-known hunting ground, particularly for big games. Then, if you happen to have a passport on you, you can "drop by" to the ecological country of Romania which is in the closest vicinity - the border crossing being only 12 km away. Vrsac, a town that has wonderful sights and a lot to offer to visitors, is also quite close to Bela Crkva. Belgrade is located 96 km to the west, and Novi Sad is located 179 km away to the north-west.
Gradic na krajnjem jugu Banata udaljen je 95 km od Beograda ka istoku i 179 km jugo-istocno od Novog Sada. Nalazi se na samoj granici sa Rumunijom. Predivna priroda, stare ulice i fasade baroknog stila, parkovi i jezera, cine je jedinstvenom oazom za turiste.Planinski vazduh koji dolazi sa obronaka Karpata, veliki broj suncanih dana u godini, domaca kuhinja i ostale pogodnosti pruzaju mogucnost istinske relaksacije i nezaboravnog odmora.Posetioce posebno oduseve predivna, kristalno cista jezera od kojih je sest pogodno za kupanje. Posetilac moze odabrati jezero sa divljim plazama, totalno okruzeno nedodirnutom prirodom ili se odluciti za jezero sa svim mogucnostima koje jedna urbana plaza pruza - tusevi, restorani, poslasticarnice, sportski tereni, vodeni sportovi, pedoline i jedrilice za rentiranje...Ako odlucite da posetite Belu Crkvu obavezno posetite muzej, najstariji u Vojvodini, osnovan 1877. god. Osim arheoloske kolekcije sadrzi dela belocrkvanskih slikara iz XIX veka.Turisticku sezonu otvara manifestacija "KARNEVAL CVECA" koja ima tradiciju preko 150 godina. Brojnim posetiocima predstavljaju se najlepse baste, dvorista i balkoni, a na zavrsnoj veceri cvetni karnevalski eksponati defiluju ulicama grada.Okolina Bele Crkve je riznica sama za sebe te preporucujemo posetiocima da se odluce za bicikl kao prevozno sredstvo. U blizini su i sledeci vodotokovi: Dunav, Nera, Karas, kanal Dunav-Tisa-Dunav koji sa spomenutim jezerima cine savrseno mesto za ribolovce. "LOV NA BESIJA” - izlov soma-kapitalca" je sirom poznata manifestacija koja se odrzava leti a u cast 100 kg teskog primerka soma. Preporucujemo da probate riblju corbu i specijalitete u jednom od restorana u Staroj Palanci, selu na uscu kanala Dunav-Tisa-Dunav u Dunav, 10 km od Bele Crkve udaljenom. Ako zelite da posetite staro rimsko utvrdjenje Ram mozete se provozati skelom preko Dunava.Deliblatska pescara, jedinstvena u Evropi, nalazi se na 15 km od Bele Crkve. To je specijalni rezervat prirode, izletiste i poznato loviste na krupnu divljac. Deo ovog podrucja izlazi na Dunav gde se nalazi poznato staniste najraznovrsnijih ptica i jedno od najvecih rezervata ptica mocvarica “Labudovo okno”.Brezuljkaste padine Bele Crkve ukrasavaju vocnjaci i vinogradi. Vekovna tradicija njihovog negovanja odrzala se do danas, pa je Bela Crkva poznata po kvalitetnom grozdju, kruskama, brskvama, jabukama i rakiji od jabuke. Manifestacija “BELA CRKVA U JABUKAMA” najmlada je po stazu ali vec je postala prepoznatljiva i jos vise promovisala prirodne i turisticke potencijale.Zivopisna okolina, bogatstvo vodenih povrsina, jedinstvena flora i fauna, ovo podrucje svrstavaju u najlepse prostore Vojvodine, a posebno Juznog Banata.
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