Bestie had 2 hack bff pg on 01/23/08(HER B-DAY) @10:30pm.Well what can i say about this girl umm we meet @ the skool open house last year nd when our freshmen year stared we became friendz lil by lil then gud friendz.when i meet her she was so quiet nd in her thin..still so gud friendz we had alot of fun 2gether doin crazy thinz sometimes.She's funny,smart,pretty,weird lolz but special in her own way (shes slow lmao)nd really really kool..i still love her..OMG she lovez COOKIEZ like crazy lolz datz her thin nd her favorite word is AWSOME plz she lvz DADDY YANKEE?..we get along great even if we have our upz nd downz..shes a gud friendz nd she my BEST FRIEND 2 i feel like i can tell her anythin nd she wont judge me nd tell me wte she wantz about it nd this year on oct.? we became bffz:)..1 day i think we were arguin nd i was like wte HINCH nd she give me a look nd said PINCHE lolz nd sense then im Pinche nd shes hinch ..Shes my BESTIE shes alway listenin 2 my problemz especially my relationship1 nd she laugh about it lolz cuz they ar funny nd she give me advicez but 2 be onest i feel like yea wer bfz but shes mine nd im not herz idk but like we talk about everythin nd anythin but @ the end i still feel like this cuz i feel like she dosnt feel like im her BESTIE or maybe itz just da we still just dont have dat bff relationship yet ND i think she just needz 2 open her self more with me i guess? BUT I JUST WANTED 2 LET HER KNO DA IM HER 4 HER 4 ANYTHIN ND SHE CAN COUNT ON ME!! CUZ SHES MY HINCH ND I ?YA!