So many people are leaving the structured church environment still longing for a relationship with Jesus Christ but feeling extremely unfulfilled by the standard church method in achieving it. Our desire is to build relationship with as many of these people as possible and continue to encourage them in their walk with Jesus.
Also our ministry is about reaching those who will never initiate a search for the front door of a church. To simply share the love of Jesus with everyone we can by reaching out to them and doing what Jesus would do and DID do as he showed us the way to live life to the fullest. Visiting the poor, the needy and the ones who cannot fend for themselves in this rich get richer kind of world.
My wife Wendy, who actually is the brains of this entire outfit, is a phenomenal singer and song writer and can figure any intricate problem with computers in a heartbeat simply because she is so intelligent. What a package. Beautiful, talented and creative all in one! Together we have formed a band called Creekside Soul with a number of talented musicians we have known throughout the years. You can find us on the web at