Loungefly: [nihilist] profile picture

Loungefly: [nihilist]

I am here for Dating and Friends

About Me

I specialize in manipulation and domestic violence. My looks can and most likely will be deceiving at first, but in the end, I take pride in being an asshole. Oh yes, you will be fooled. There are a select few of you who are "acceptable" in my eyes, but most of you, and it hurts me to say, are sucky at life.... By all means, I am a nice person and quite fun to hang out with (more fun if u are a drinker), but I don't like people who are going to be fake to me and try to be something they aren't. I've been through that many times and there's only so much a person can take... I like to test my limits and do crazy, maybe even life-threatening activites....It's fun to see how far I can push myself. I am a moderate to heavy drinker and I can proably keep up with most guys twice my size. I love watching movies and I have a tremedously amazing taste in what movies are exceptional (no the "Notebook" doesn't count).....I only smoke when I drink, and I don't do any drugs cause they suck...I am not opposed or will judge anyone who does do drugs- it's your life your fucking up, not mine... Feel free to talk to me anytime you want...doesn't matter if your a guy or a girl, an addict, or just plain fucking retarted....I love getting a little tizzaste of everyone...boo-ya.~*~ Eyes aren't always windows to the soul. Sometimes they're glorified kaleidoscopes misleading us with seductive images. Allowing bright lights to pass for bright ideas. Making "lip sync artist" a job title instead of an oxymoron. How could eyes have done this to us? how do we stop them from doing it again? Simple. we no longer equate with believing, and we put a little trust in our ears. Faith, after all, is blind. ~*~..

My Blog


Wow..I haven't written anything in a long time....I guess its because it seems that everything i write is the same. Recently, I acquired a "boyfriend". The label is official but the feelings are mut...
Posted by on Fri, 22 Feb 2008 20:12:00 GMT

My life or something like it....

No, I am depressed again.  Should I say again, or should I say I always have been?? Lets go with the former.....I can be happy sometimes. So, my feminine side came out today...I decided to watch ...
Posted by on Sat, 23 Jun 2007 19:23:00 GMT

For better or worse..only God can tell.

For those of my most intimate friends who know....TOMORROW, is my big day.  It is probably the biggest day of my life seeing that I don't believe in the institution of marriage, I hated high scho...
Posted by on Wed, 07 Mar 2007 00:43:00 GMT

I need an ice cream sundae

I have a severe hatred for my own kind--no not white people.....GIRLS! I mean I know it's naturally our nature to want to destroy each other as much as humanly possible to make ourselves feel prettier...
Posted by on Mon, 05 Mar 2007 14:49:00 GMT

Killing myself to Live

Hello, blog readers!! Here's another life story that you can read and be glad that you live your life instead of mine at the same time! I don't know man, these things should say something happy once i...
Posted by on Mon, 29 Jan 2007 18:32:00 GMT

Why can't we be friends?

"Why can't we just be friends?" God, that's like a huge kick in the fucking balls, if indeed I had some.  Although sometimes, a kick in the vagina could hurt if you did it hard enough. ANYWAYS, "...
Posted by on Fri, 29 Dec 2006 10:13:00 GMT


You know, it's kinda like what Dane Cook said on his "Retaliation" CD...."When you don't have love, EVERYONE around you falls in love".....oh yes.....even Karen the Douchebag.  But all joking asi...
Posted by on Sat, 14 Oct 2006 15:25:00 GMT